Country guitarist Jerry Knight has long been a part of the country music scene in NE
Texas, accompanying many country artists during his career. Locally, Jerry played for the
Roger Reed Band at the Reilly Springs Jamboree for over 10 years. He was a staple at Gale
Hague’s Tuesday Night Dances at Arbala, Texas and Saturday nights in Greenville with
the Lone Star Express Band. And for the past 8 years, he has played rhythm/lead guitar
and sang vocals for the dance put on weekly in Mineola by The Country Drive Band. If
you’ve been to a dance or local event with a country band, or attended benefits for others,
you’ve probably seen and heard Jerry Knight. He also loves to do country gospel music and
would frequently be asked to perform “Three Old Rusty Nails” which is his signature
inspirational song. Jerry is a loving and giving friend to everyone, and that’s why it was so
hard to hear the news about his lung cancer diagnosis in Fall 2020. The cancer had
metastasized to his liver. Now, in early 2021, no treatments are being administered for the
cancer due to higher than normal enzymes in the liver. Jerry’s friends have sought his
permission to hold a benefit for him, and just after New Year’s, he finally gave permission
to his longtime friend, drummer John Rugg to “plan the party.” Fans and friends are
invited to the Benefit Dance for Jerry Knight on Thursday February 25, 2021 from 6:30
til 10pm. The location is Hickory Village Complex, 1581 US 69 North in Mineola, Texas,
just one mile south of KMOO Radio or 7/10 mile north of Loop 564. Donations will be
accepted for Jerry’s ongoing physician and transportation expenses as he bravely battles
the cancer and it’s complications. Please come and share love and encouragement for Jerry
and Gloria. For more information on the benefit, contact John Rugg at 972-922-1933. If
you cannot attend but would like to send a donation to the Jerry Knight Benefit, the benefit
mailing address is P.O Box 626, Hawkins Texas 75765, in care of John Rugg. Make checks
payable to Jerry Knight.