Manager Jamie Dodd of Pioneer Crossing Seniors Community of Sulphur Springs is very thankful for the generous help from the community for her residents. The all-Senior living community had been without running water since Wednesday February 17 when the final and worst wave of icy weather hit NE Texas. Pipes were frozen up and the facility was on the waiting list of the repairs/maintenance provider. Late Friday afternoon, a call from a resident to KSST Radio started the ball rolling to get help from the community.
About dark on Friday, a donation of several cases of drinking water from Fix n Feed was delivered to Pioneer Crossing and distributed by a small group of individuals to the doors of residents. Due to Facebook posts, by Saturday morning more help began to pour in, and dozens more cases of drinking water began arriving on the doorstep of the community room at Pioneer Crossing. Members of local law enforcement took the water right to the doorways of residents, many of whom still had treacherously icy sidewalks. Ms. Dodd told KSST, on behalf of the 80 grateful residents of the Pioneer Crossing community, to extend a most sincere thank you to the Sulphur Springs Police Department, Hopkins County Sheriff’s Department, Grocery Supply Company, Fix n Feed, Wesley Oaks Assisted Living, Laura Coats, Jeremy Sims, Lucinda Connally and other helpful individuals and organizations of the community who responded to the local need.