Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Center Director Karon Weatherman is reaching out to explain the purpose and importance of the Clara Bridges 90-Plus Banquet, held annually in the Springtime for the past sixteen years. Karon is planning for the Banquet can resume in 2021 and is asking fro help from the public.
Who is Clara Bridges and why do we have an Annual Clara Bridges 90+ Banquet?
In 2005 the Morning Chapel Baptist Church decided that they wanted to honor Clara Bridges who was the oldest member of their congregation at that time. Sister Clara Bridges was a Woman of Character, Knowledge, Loyalty, Wisdom and was a very Godly woman. Pastor Harold B. Nash and her church family officially designated her as the “Mother of the Church” on August 21, 2005.
The Church held a Banquet in her honor and invited everyone 90 years of age and older along with their friends and families to the Banquet. Sixteen years later, a Banquet is still held to honor every Senior Citizen in Hopkins County that has made it to the 90 Year Milestone.
The Banquet consists of a Luncheon, Musical Entertainment, A Special Speaker and Presentation of Awards for all the 90+ Seniors in the County. Special Awards are also presented to the Seniors who have made it to 100 Years of Age.
Last year was tough and the Banquet had to be postponed and then eventually canceled due to Covid-19. Hopefully this year we will be able to honor these precious members of our community. They deserve all the recognition that we can give them.
Since 2011 I have been compiling a list of names of all of the Senior Citizens in Hopkins County who have reached 90 Years of age. On my list right now I have 211 Hopkins County Senior Citizens that I know have made it to 90 or will be turning 90 in the year 2021.
I need your help finding other Seniors in our Community that I don’t know about. Please think about your family, friends, neighbors and church members who you think might need to be added to this list. Please email Karon Weatherman at [email protected] or phone meat (903) 885-1661. It will take me just a moment to check and see if their name is already on the list.
I am not sure if we will get to hold the Banquet in 2021 but I need to be ready by having all of the names and addresses so that invitations can go out to everyone. I don’t want to leave anyone out. Even if an honoree cannot attend the Banquet, they will be mailed or hand delivered a Certificate.
The Clara Bridges Banquet is made possible every year by wonderful sponsors and lots of volunteers. The Banquet is held at the ROC at 1st Baptist Church. Seniors are asked to bring their family and friends with them to the Banquet to celebrate. It is FREE to anyone who wants to attend. Please help me make this year’s Banquet Special!
Karon Weatherman, Program and Marketing Director
Senior Citizen’s Center 150 Martin Luther King Blvd
Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482
(903) 885-1661