SSHS FFA Annie Horton’s Lamb Wins at San Antonio Show, Earns Place in SA Jr. Livestock Auction

In a message from SSHS FFA Chapter Advisor Lindsey Arthur came this good news!
On Saturday February 20th, Sulphur Springs High School Senior Annie Horton exhibited her Medium Wool Lamb in the Junior Market Show at the San Antonio Livestock Show & Rodeo. She placed 3rd in her class and earned herself a spot in the Junior Livestock Auction that will be held on Thursday February 25th. Annie has worked very hard all year with her Lambs and has overcome many obstacles. We are very proud of Annie and her accomplishments, and we can’t wait to see how she does with her Lambs at NETLA this week!
Locally, the 2021 NETLA Show is February 23 for Ag Mechanics judging, February 25 for lamb and goat judging, February 26 for chickens, swine and cattle judging , and Saturday February 27 for the Sale of Champions. Spectators are admitted free into the Hopkins County Civic Center arena, and encouraged to meet the student exhibitors and view the Livestock projects, as well as bid during the NETLA Sale of Champions.