Sulphur Springs City Council has a full agenda tonight, Feb. 2, which includes requests for 380 agreements, a final plat for apartments, a Homeland Security grant application, calling for general and special elections, a Capital Improvements Plan, a proposal to crush waste concrete and to extend emergency paid sick leave and an executive.

Three of eight resolutions on the agenda are requests for 380 agreements to build three properties: at 110 West Ross Street, 212-214 East California Street and 220 Craig Street. Since the city approved the policy in August, a few requests for these type of agreements have been made to take advantage of the city’s infill housing policy, which offers incentives for construction of single family homes on identified lots within the city with existing city-maintained streets, sewer and water. The lot must be at least 10 years old and the new single family home must be constructed within 3 years of being granted a 380 agreement.
In exchange for providing the additional housing, either for personal use or as a rental property, thereby providing additional housing to meet growing needs, the City of Sulphur Springs can reimburse upon completion city permitting fees, tap fees to utility systems, delinquent city taxes and liens on the property if there are any. The city may also, if agree upon and needed, assist with demolition costs to clear the lot for construction of the single family home.

Submitted to the City Council at the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission is a request for a final plat from BGE Inc. for Block 24-4 Z of Jewell Subdivision, 5.488-acres at the northwest intersection of League and Bell Streets, abutting Rockdale Road, to construct 2 three-story apartment buildings. Darren Smith with developer MVAH Partners told the P&Z Commissioners last month that the 72 units would be age restricted to senior adults age 55 and older, and would be funded with low income tax credits from the State of Texas.
Bids are to be considered for a bank depository and a proposal for TBK Materials, LLC, to crush solid waste concrete into recycled millings for street and infrastructure development are also on the agenda.
The annual report on traffic stops and arrests, monthly manager’s report, Black History Month proclamation and Capital improvement presentation are also slated to be given by city staff during the 7 p.m. meeting Feb. 2.
The City Council will be asked to consider amending the 2019-2023 CIP Plan for drainage at Beckham and Lamar Streets.
Resolution approving an application for a Homeland Security Grant; calling a special election for Place 5 and general election for places 1-3 on the council, naming election judges and setting early voting dates; and a resolution extending the temporary emergency paid sick leave due to COVID-19 disaster declaration also are on Tuesday night’s agenda.
The City Council is scheduled to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters, “in accordance with Texas Government Code, Title 5, Chapter 551, Section 551.074, Personnel Matters, specifically relating to discussions regarding the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals, the City Secretary, the City Attorney, and the City Manager; and Section 551.087, Economic Development.”
Afterward, the City Council will reconvene in open session to take action on any matters forwarded for action following the closed session.
The meeting will be begin at 7 p.m. Feb. 2 and will be conducted on Zoom and streamed for public viewing on the City Of Sulphur Springs Meetings YouTube page in observance of COVID-19 social distancing parameters. A number will be provided during the meeting to allow community members to call in at designated times should they wish to comment on any of the topics on the agenda or during the designated public forum time.