Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Meal a Day Needs Volunteer Cooks

Karon Weatherman, Director of the Seniors Center in Sulphur Springs is also the Director of the Meal a Day Program, housed inside the Seniors Center in Sulphur Springs. Karon is reaching out to the community to fill an important need for local, housebound Seniors who rely on Meal a Day services.

Meal a Day cooks and drivers prepare and deliver nutritious meals to shut-in seniors 5 days a week

We need cooks! Meal A Day is losing a Wednesday and Thursday cook. Next week is his last day. He is moving to be closer to his children. If you have been thinking about Volunteering in your Community, Meal A Day could really use your help. He cooked both days but you would only have to come in one day. Hopefully more than one cook will step up to the plate.
The Cooks come in at 7:00 AM and are usually finished by 11:00 AM. You do not have to be a Chef.. None of us are. We just need people to help us cook the food and serve it up. The Drivers come in to pick up the food for deliveries around 9:30. The cooks leave after the kitchen is cleaned up unless we need to prep for the next day or make desserts. Let me know if you are interested in helping us out. Call me at (903) 885-1661 or email me at [email protected]. Thank You.

Meal A Day

Author: Enola Gay

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