In 2009, following three decades of military service, Judy Moore came on board the Hopkins County Community Chest as Director. Since that time, Moore has implemented needed changes a little at a time as the county’s population has grown and the community has evolved. Through constant networking and seeking avenues to expand services, Moore’s diligent and untiring work has brought the non-profit agency into a new era of providing assistance to persons in need, from residents of the city of Sulphur Springs tp those residing in the far flung communities of Hopkins County. On March 3, 2021, a proclamation by the Sulphur Springs City Council noting her accomplishments was presented by Mayor John Sellers and council members present in the Council chambers to Moore for her record of excellent service. Following her retirement, Moore plans to relocate to San Antonio, the city where she began her military career.

WHEREAS, Judy Moore has many amazing accomplishments and we really do not want to lose
her to San Antonio, Texas, but we know she will be incredible wherever she is located; and
WHEREAS, she introduced the Shopping Program where clients were able to come in and
select foods that suited their family and individual needs; and
WHEREAS, she introduced produce into the program and included the PAN Program for
seniors to allow them to get additional food aside from their normal distribution; and
WHEREAS, she partnered with TXU, FEC and Reliant to provide managed funds to the
Community Chest to assist with clients bills without depleting the General Fund; and
WHEREAS, she created the “Reach Out” program so clients without the ability to travel to the
foodbank could meet monthly to receive food close to their homes; and
WHEREAS, Judy was responsible for creating a database for clients so services could be
maintained and updated with every visit to ensure fairness and consistency; and
WHEREAS, she partnered with NTFB and the local schools to facilitate a program for students
to receive additional meals to take home if they were struggling with hunger; and
WHEREAS, she partnered with local schools, businesses, and organizations every year to
facilitate multiple food drives and partnered with local churches to facilitate the Thanksgiving
boxes with over a thousand given out last year; and
WHEREAS, she partnered with MET to provide employment for seniors looking to get back in
the workforce and with MHMR to provide employment for clients; and
WHEREAS, she has provided free Notary services, partnered with local businesses to provide
vouchers for clients in need of services, remodeled their facility by partnering with Lowe’s,
worked yearly with United Way, started the yearly Health Fair, and made sure the community
was aware of the program they offered.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOHN A. SELLERS, Mayor of the City of Sulphur Springs do
hereby deem it an honor to recognize Judy Moore for all of her accomplishments.
It is so proclaimed this the 2 nd day of March 2021.
John A. Sellers, Mayor
KSST’s Channel 18 TV held an enlightening interview with Judy Moore about her career prior to serving as Director of Community Chest in Sulphur Springs, and the military and civilian trainings which have uniquely equipped her to make a difference here. She hates to leave Sulphur Springs, because for one thing, she has lived here longer than anywhere else she’s ever lived! But her adult life has been spent on the move, thus she looks forward to the next phase of her life back in San Antonio. The link below will take you to the interview.