The City of Sulphur Springs Planning and Zoning Commission Monday evening had two primary goals, elect officers and consider a request to rezone property on Rockdale Road and State Highway 19.

The P&Z Commission, in a meeting conducted via Zoom, elected Chuck Sickles to chair the group and Pat Chase to serve as as vice-chair.
The commission also discussed with Sulphur Springs Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski Donnie and Allen Wisenbaker’s request to rezone their property, located at northwest Rockdale Road and State Highway 19, from single family to heavy commercial. The property spans 11.74 acres, identified as three parcels, surveyed in two tracts to land.

“The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to heavy commercial to accommodate existing uses and future uses along the SH 19 corridor and consist of two tracts of land. The property is surrounded by a mix of zoning designations, from light commercial to the east and the south, single family to the west, and light industrial to the north. Given the context of the area, heavy commercial is an appropriate use. It also fits in with the land use plan of commercial along Highway 19,” Niewiadomski told the P&Z Commission.
Currently, the area already has one auto repair garage working on one tract of land. Changing the designation would conform with the intended use for property in that area. The two brothers, Niewiadomski reported, thought the property was industrial zoned when the city annexed that area and took in Wildcat Way.

While the Wisenbakers are not planning on building on the property at this time, if they decide in the future to sell the property, they could sell it would allow it to be developed commercially
City staff sent eight certified letters to surrounding property owners within 200 feet of the Wisenbaker property. They received only two replies back, both in favor of the requested zoning change, the community development director noted.
The P&Z Commission unanimously approved the request based on city officials’ recommendation, and are recommending to Sulphur Springs City Council. The item will likely appear on the April 2021 City Council agenda for first reading and consideration. It the council approves it, it would then be presented for a second and final reading at the City Council’s next regular meeting.