Executive Session Scheduled To Consider 2 Economic Development Projects
The Sulphur Springs City Council April 6 agenda is full, starting with an executive session to discuss two potential economic development projects, then during the regular session will consider numerous items, including 380 agreements, sewer line bores for Saputo’s grant project, naming a street, the annual audit, a payment plant for utility customers, submission of a grant application, a zoning request, an ordinance restricting parking on one street, a grant easement at the park.

The executive session is slated to begin at 6:15 p.m. with executive session to discuss two potential economic development project, identified as Project Hold Fast and Project Flourish. Should any project be pushed forward from the executive session for action, the City Council would take action on it during the regular session.
The City Council is scheduled to reconvene in the council chambers in the Municipal Building (City Hall) in open session at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
Slated to be presented for City Council approval are resolutions approving 380 agreements for four different properties: 207 West Ross Street, 209 West Ross Street, 613 Lamar Street and 202 West Beckham Street.
A resolution is proposed to name a street Patricia Lane. The council is also asked to consider a proposal for streetlight audit services.
Bids for sewer line bore for the Community Development Block Grant Project for the Saputo expansion are expected to be presented at the April 6 meeting, with a recommendation by city staff regarding the bids. The Council then can determine whether or not to award a contract for the service.
As indicated by City Manager Marc Maxwell at the March 2021 City Council meeting, city staff as recommended a resolution that would establish a payment plan for city utility customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, Maxwell indicated the recommendation will likely ask individual to pay their current bill along with 1/12th of the owed amount, that way it can be caught up within 1 year. The official proposal will be presented at Tuesday’s meeting for council consideration.
Time has been designated during the meeting to hear any public comments regarding a resolution approving submission of a TCBG program application to Texas Department of Agriculture CD Fund and authorizing the city manager to act as the city’s representative on it.
Donnie and Allen Wisenbaker are asking the city to zone their property on northwest Rockdale Road and State Highway 19 from single family to heavy commercial.
The Wisenbakers in March asked the Planning & Zoning Commission to consider rezoning the 11.74 acres, which consists of two tracts, to accommodate existing uses and future uses along the SH 19 corridor. The property is surrounded by a mix of zoning designations, from light commercial to the east and the south, single family to the west, and light industrial to the north.
City staff told the P&Z Commission at the March meeting that given the context of the area, heavy commercial is an appropriate use for the property. It also fits in with the land use plan of commercial along Highway 19, Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski told the P&Z Commission.
The request was approved by the Commission, who has recommended it to the City Council for approval.
An ordinance is expected to be proposed restricting parking in the 200 block of Tomlinson Street.
The city is being asked to grant Oncor Electric Delivery LLC an easement at Coleman Park and to approve rules for electronic receipt of bids an proposals.
The City Council too will be asked to approve the purchase of a dump truck for the utilities department.
Also slated to be discussed during the City Council April 6 meeting is the 2019-2020 independent audit.