Douglass ECLC Accepting Applications For Head Start And Pre-Kindergarten Programs
Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center is now accepting applications for Head Start and pre-kindergarten programs for the 2021-2022 school year for children who will be 3 and 4 years of age on Sept. 1, 2021. Registration does not guaranty the child a place in the program; it is used to determined whether the child qualifies for the program Due to COVID-19 , registration will be virtual, with email appointments only.
To be considered for the Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten programs, the child’s parent or legal guardian must submit all required applicable documents to Rita V. Taylor, ERSEA specialist, at [email protected], along with a contact number and email address.
Required documentation includes the child’s officials birth certificate; Social Security card; up-to-date immunization record; and current Medicaid, private insurance or CHIP card. All will need to provide a copy of the parent or legal guardian’s photo ID, 12 months proof of household income in the form of a 2020 tax return and 2020 W-2 forms, or in the absence of those documents a notarized letter from an employer, including yearly salary, on official business letterhead; and proof of residency, such as a current utility bill, lease agreement or mortgage statement with the family name on it.
If applicable, the following documentation is also needed. TANF, SSI, SSA, child support, alimony, military documents (LES/FSSA); Food Stamp card; WIC card; Foster Care 2085 Form; IEP – individualized education plan; doctors’ notes concerning any allergies or health needs the child may have; and custodial documentation or court orders.
Afterward, the submitting parent/guardian will receive an email from SSISD to schedule a telephone interview. After the interview process, applications will either be mailed to the parent/guardian or picked up at Douglass ECLC, 600 Calvert St. After all documents are received and reviewed, a letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian notifying them if their child has been accepted or placed on a waiting list for either program based on established criteria. If accepted, the parent/guardian will then be required to complete the district’s online Skyward application
Those who do not have access to a scanner to upload the necessary documents may scan documents using a smart device. Not sure how to scan to a smart device? Taylor has provided the following tips to assist with that process: