‘Plant Swap’ Sat. May 1@ 9AM by Master Gardeners, 744 Gilmer St.

The Hopkins County Master Gardeners would like to invite you to participate at the 2021 Plant Swap this coming Saturday May 1, 2021 starting at 9:00 AM at the parking lot of the Bright Star Veterinary Clinic located at 744 Gilmer Street in Sulphur Springs. All types of plant varieties will be offered for swapping or donation. While there, you can meet other local gardeners, find out about the Extension Service’ Master Gardener program and how you can get involved as a volunteer.

This is a great opportunity to get a good plant and spent little money. Since the plants in the swap are usually excess plants, the plants offered are a good option to grow in Hopkins County. For more information please contact the Hopkins County Extension Office at 903-885-3443.