Federal and state laws require all students (birth through age 21) with disabilities, residing within the SSISD district, who are in need of special education and related services, including children with disabilities attending private schools and children who are homeless or are a ward of the state, to be identified, located, and evaluated, which is a process referred to as CHILD FIND.
“It is an annual, ongoing process to help people become aware of the special services that are available through their local school district. SSISD would like for our community to be aware of these services available,” said Robin Castro, Sulphur Springs ISD Administrative Assistant to the Special Programs Director.
Child Find referrals may be initiated by a parent/guardian, doctor, teacher, relative or friend. If you are concerned about a child’s learning, contact the SSISD Special Programs Director at 903-885-6230. You may also contact any administrator in SSISD at www.ssisd.net. For birth through age 3, contact Children’s Center-ECI of Lakes Regional Community Center at 903-454-0300.

Las leyes federales y estatales requieren que todos los estudiantes (desde nacimiento hasta los 21 anos de edad) con discapacidades, que residen dentro del distrito de SSISD, que necesiten servicios de educación especial y servicios relacionados, incluidos los ninos con discapacidades que asisten a alguna escuela privada o los ninos que no tienen hogar o que viven bajo la tutela del estado, para ser identificado, localizado y evaluado, que es un proceso conocido como Child Find (Encontrar un Nino). Las referencias de Child Find pueden ser iniciadas por parte del padre/tutor, medico, maestro, pariente o amigo. Si le preocupa el aprendizaje de un nino/a, comuníquese con el Director de Programas Especiales de SSISD al 903-885-6230. También puede comunicarse con cualquier administrador de SSISD en www.ssisd.net. Para nino/as de nacimiento hasta los 3 anos, comuníquense con Children’s Center (Centro Infantil)-ECI of Lakes Regional Community
Center al 903-454-0300.