Just as the delicious aromas of BBQ cooking draw people, so did the idea of all the best BBQ cooks coming together in one place! That place was Sulphur Springs, Texas over the weekend of May 14 and 15. And the VFW Post Home 8560 along the Interstate was the perfect place to hold it, on the north side of the property which was once a rodeo grounds. The only thing there wasn’t quite a-plenty of was parking, however the OVET committee hopes to have that solved before the next contest rolls around this Fall. Meantime, congratulations are in order for the winning and placing cooks who came from near and far to compete in the categories. As one participant posted on Facebook, “I want to thank you guys for putting on such a amazing event. We had a amazing time and met so many awesome people. I can’t wait to do it next year. Thank you guys for the bottom of my heart”.

People’s Choice: Nolen Johnson/Team Kookin
Cook’s Choice: Logan Vaughn/Tableleaf
Quick Fire Challenge:
1st: Logan Vaughn/Tableleaf
2nd: Todd Daniel
Beans: Adrian Sitzes/Off Duty BBQ
Sauce: Brandon Wynn/NE TX Coop
Dessert: Angela Allen/KG Crew
Quick Fire Challenge:
1st: Logan Vaughn/Tableleaf
2nd: Todd Daniel
1st: BackStory Brewery
2nd: Fast Times BBQ
3rd: Fallen S BBQ
1st: LugNut BBQ
2nd: Safety Control BBQ
3rd: Off Duty BBQ
Pulled Pork:
1st: Slaughter’s BBQ
2nd: Hopkins Co EMS
3rd: Hopkins Co Sherrif’s Office
Reserve Grand Champion:
A tie between Nolen Johnson and Todd Daniel resulted with Nolen
Johnson taking the honors due to a 4 point difference with his
brisket score.
Grand Champion:
Derek Fort/Woody’s BBQ
50/50 Raffle Winner: Fallen S BBQ