Sulphur Springs City Council this afternoon will discuss a number of topics during a retreat, but is not scheduled to take action on any items during the meeting. The Downtown Revitalization Board in a meeting earlier this week approved two design requests, one to update a façade and another for signage and painting for a new bakery and coffee shop in the downtown area.
Council Retreat
The City Council is slated to meet at 1:30 p.m. for a meal and discussion. The May 20 agenda shows the meeting beginning with an executive session to discuss any personnel matters related to discussion on Economic Development Corporation Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals.
After reconvening in open session, the City Council will discuss appointments of a mayor and mayor pro tem for the council, as well as to the Airport Advisory Board, Sulphur River Municipal Water District, Library Board, Board of Tourism and Promotion, Construction Board of Appeals, Planning and Zoning Commission, Ark-Tex Council of Governments, Downtown Revitalization Board, and the Revolving Loan Fund Committee.
Also on the Thursday afternoon agenda is discussion regarding departmental issues.
The City Council meeting is called for the purpose of discussion only as no action items are listed on the agenda. The meeting will be the council’s third third this month. The group held their regular meeting on May 4, then a special meeting to hold an executive session on May 11 to discuss the potential Economic Development project which officials have been negotiating, labeled Project Hold Fast and Project Flourish. No action was taken following the closed session, according to the city manager.
Downtown Revitalization Board
The City of Sulphur Springs Downtown Revitalization Board approved two design requests presented to them during an evening meeting on May 18.

An exterior façade application from Randy and Wendy Rushin for 313 Main Street was approved. The pair plans to convert the space into office uses, beginning with an exterior upgrade. They want to update the color scheme oft he cinder block exterior to compliment the Legacy Ag Credit Building to the west of 313 Main St. The Legacy Ag Credit building recently received DRB approval to use dark and lighter shades of gray to cover the exterior of the building.
City staff noted that while the DRB guidelines are sensitive to preserving the original architectural details of the building, 313 Main St. is not historically significant with architectural character. The applicants plan to have 2-3 commercial windows installed on the west side of the front façade in the cinder-block material, and to cover the cinderblock with a brick veneer of mixed grays, with charcoal gray as the primary color. The sides of the building would be covered in a light French gray to complement the dark French gray building next door. The mansard roof shingles would be replaced with new black shingles, the Rushins noted in the application.
The project is proposed to begin on Jun 1 and be complete by Aug. 31, 2021.

Also approved by the DRB was a sign and painting request made by Alec Barrett for 224 Main Street.
A new business called Baked & Brewed Bakery and Coffeehouse is moving into the old Joe’s German Restaurant. Barrett requested approval to immediately upon approval repaint the physical signs left by Joe’s German to reflect the coffee bakery and coffee shop to be located there. The application called for the building to be painted in a blue color scheme.
Another sign request had been submitted by a Davis Street business, however, it was reportedly removed until they could submit a more detailed sign proposal for the DRB to consider.