Cooper Lake State Park -Doctors Creek Hires New Park Ranger
Cooper, TX – “It’s the Park Rangers that make our Texas State Parks the very best,” says Cooper Lake State Park Complex Superintendent, Steve Killian. “Hiring qualified employees is probably my most difficult, most important, and yet most rewarding job that I undertake. We have an amazing team of park rangers at Cooper Lake State Park
serving over 112,000 visitors annually and that number continues to grow rapidly. Cooper Lake State Park – Doctors Creek has just filled a maintenance park ranger position after a long and competitive process. Marissa Powers was selected as our newest ranger! Marissa and her family live in Klondike, TX. She moved from Oklahoma to Greenville, Texas eight years ago after accepting a job with the Texas A&M Forest Service as a wildland firefighter. She was married to her Doug husband in 2018 and moved to Klondike, where they started a family soon afterwards. They welcomed their son Hunter to the world in 2019 and have enjoyed raising him in Delta County country ever since. “I love this community and look forward to many years serving Cooper Lake State Park,” said Ranger Powers.
Come enjoy our park that Ranger Powers and the rest of the staff have prepared for you and your family and friends. Are you ready to go camping? Relaxing around a campfire at the park in the evening is unbeatable! The flickering light and warmth of a campfire will lift your spirits and reconnect your soul to feelings shared by past generations. There is no better place to share a story or eat a meal than Cooper Lake State Park!
Are you ready to come out to the park for the day? Why not fish from the bank, off our pier, fishing wall, or rent a kayak and try your luck along the shoreline. Fish attractors have been placed around the Doctors Creek floating fishing pier and the fishing wall at South Sulphur to help increase fishing success. Crappie, bluegill, bass, and catfish are
being caught at both park units. May and June are great times to fish at Cooper Lake! Fishing licenses are not required if you are fishing from the bank or fishing pier at Cooper Lake State Park. Other very popular activities are hiking our trails, playing on our playground, swimming, and so much more! Texas State Parks are the best places
to relax, recreate, and recharge your soul!
Cooper Lake State Park is very economical with entrance fees of $5 for adults with kids 12 and under always free. Senior Texans 65 or older will only pay $3 to enter the park daily with a Senior Pass. Unlimited park entrances for you and everyone in your vehicle (15 persons) can be accomplished with the purchase of a Texas State Park Annual
Pass for $70 which is good for over 12 months. For more information, please visit and like our Facebook pages (Cooper Lake State Park – South Sulphur 903-945-5256 and Cooper Lake State Park – Doctor’s Creek (903) 395-3100).