At the top of the Class of 2021 at North Hopkins High School are Jessica Hatley, valedictorian, and Saul Miranda, salutatorian.

Jessica Hatley has been a student at North Hopkins ISD for 11 of her school years. Her parents are Jon and Tiar Hatley.
As a student at North Hopkins, she participated in National Beta Club and was a state and regional qualifier in CX Debate, Number Sense and Literary Criticism. She earned first place in the Voice Of Democracy Contest for public speaking. She also served as Secretary and Vice-President of her FFA Chapter.
With a 4.0 GPA, she graduates with distinction as Valedictorian of her class.
While attending high school, Jessica earned 60 credit hours at Paris Junior College and currently is in the application process for an Associates Degree. Her career interest is in the various fields of the computer industry. In the fall, she plans to attend Brigham Young University to major in Computer Sciences.

Salutatorian Saul Miranda has been a student at North Hopkins ISD since he entered school. He graduates at the top of his class with a 3.92 GPA. Saul is the son of Alfonso and Janet Miranda.
Saul is a 3-year member of National Beta Club and participated in UIL in Number Sense.
While in high school, Saul earned dual credits in English. He plans to attend Texas A & M University-Commerce, pursue a major in Art and seek a career in animation or game design.
The top students along with the rest of the senior class will be honored with a graduation ceremony at 3 p.m. Saturday May 29, 2021 in the North Hopkins Panthers High School Gym. Guests may attend to see the students receive their diplomas. Attendees are asked to wear masks.