Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees will be asked this evening to consider renaming Lamar Primary in honor of longtime educator Rowena Johnson, who retired after the 2019-2020 school year and passed away last summer. At the April meeting, the board approved a new policy which determines the criteria by which a new campus or facility may be name as well as renaming of an existing facility.
“It’s no secret at this point that we intend, in some degree, to in the next meeting bring forth the possibility of renaming a campus after Mrs. Rowena Johnson,” Superintendent Mike Lamb told the school trustees at their April meeting, when the school naming/renaming policy was presented “We didn’t have a policy, so we needed a policy before we do anything like that. So, if you approve this tonight. We’ll have the policy. It will create dialog over the next month. There’s been dialogue to this point about this process. A due diligence is being done, possibly conversations about this being done. So, my intention is if you approve this tonight, you’ll probably see from me next time a request along those lines.”
As promised the May 10 agenda includes an action item asking the school board to consider remaining Lamar Primary as Rowena Johnson Primary School. Johnson served as an educator for 50 years, including from 1993-2020 as Lamar Primary Principal.

Also at the May 10 board meeting, Kerry Wright and Jason Dietze will again take the oath of office to serve another term, both were unopposed in their bids for reelection to the board, so an election was not required. Afterward, the board will be reorganized with trustees electing which members will serve as officers for at least the next year.
Dan Froneberger, who is over district maintenance, is slated to present for board approval a proposal for storm damage repairs at the high school.
Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams is scheduled to present an update on district UIL competitions, and present for discussion and board consideration policies and procedures for the “Sulphur Springs ISD Safe and Supportive School Program as well as a campus ID number for Austin Academic Center.
Jason Evans, who oversees state and federal programs, is slated to present for board approval an application asking Texas Education Agency for a missed school day waiver.
Assistant Superintendent Lisa Robinson will present for approve prekindergarten curriculum while Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center Principal/Head Start Director Angela Edwards presents for consideration a budget revision for the Head Start program.
The school board too is slated to recognize the top honor graduates from the Class of 2021 during the public forum portion of the meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. Monday, May 10, 2021, in the Board Room of SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.