Benevolence describes being ‘charitable and well-meaning’. Since the 1990’s, volunteers at the League Street Church of Christ clothing room have donated hundreds of hours. They provide help in the most practical way, with free clothing and shoes for individuals and families in need. But the gift of benevolence from the church doesn’t stop there. As other needs arise, they are met in various ways. A Food Pantry is in operation on Thursday mornings. There is a “Burn Room” where persons who have had a housefire can select household items like bedding and dishes, plus an annual Coat Drive and Giveaway during the Fall. Another avenue of giving involves sewing for church mission needs, where volunteers use donated fabric to make clothing for Guatemalan children, lap robes for nursing home patients and items for women and girls in support of an African Preaching School.

Sandy Richards is the Volunteer Co-ordinator for the clothing room. There are four Tuesday Teams, one for each week of the month. During COVID, donations had gone down but are now starting to increase again. Also, down from an average of 70 persons per week prior to COVID, numbers of visitors have started out low, about 23 per week. It is expected that the number of visitors will increase as the public become aware of the room’s schedule. According to long-time volunteer Gena Sawyer, at times when clothing donations became too overwhelming to store, excess was taken to Goodwill. Also, Arms of Hope can be called to pick up overflow donations for children’s homes in Texas.

Currently, the Benevolence Room opens at 9:30am on Tuesdays. Persons line up outside the rear entrance of the church to be admitted in groups of 10 or so. Individuals receive a large paper bag and have 15 minutes to make selections from racks and shelves sized from babies to school-age children, teens to adults, as well as shoes in all sizes. While persons are making their selections, 3-5 volunteers are busy in the workroom sorting and hanging the newest donations which have come in through the week. There are sometimes baby needs like car seats and booster seats which have been donated, and these are placed for selection after having expiration dates checked. If you’d like to donate items, please bag or box them up and drop them off under the covered rear entrance marked Clothing Room.