By Butch Burney
Summer may be a time for vacations and holidays, but there is a lot going on at the Chamber. Adult Leadership, the stew logo contest, the upcoming Showcase and a political luncheon are just a few of the things we are working on. Here’s some information on each:
Adult Leadership
You may think you know all there is to know about Sulphur Springs and Hopkins County, but if you haven’t participated in the Adult Leadership program, I guarantee you don’t know everything.
We are currently taking applications for the 2021-22 Adult Leadership class. Registration is on our website,HopkinsChamber.org or I can email you the documents if you contact me at [email protected] or by calling 903-885-6515.
Adult Leadership takes you through all of the services of the city and county in an in-depth program that will enrich your life, both occupationally and individually.
If you applied last year, please re-apply this year.
Stew Logo Contest
The logo contest for the 52nd World Championship Hopkins County Stew Contest on Oct. 23 is open for another week.
The theme for this year’s stew is Stewstock, borrowing from the Woodstock festival idea. All logo entries should be original and include the theme in some manner.
The winner of the logo contest will receive five T-shirts and five stew tickets, plus a coveted parking pass.
Entries should be in jpg format and emailed to me at [email protected] by Friday, July 2. No late entries will be accepted. The winner will be chosen on July 8.
The official logo will go on posters, T-shirts and promotional materials for the stew contest.
Chamber Showcase
The Third Annual Chamber Showcase is still open for vendors. The Showcase is set for Thursday, Aug. 5, at the Sulphur Springs Country Club. Booths are available for $60 each and vendors are asked to bring a $25 gift or gift card to be given away at random drawings. This is a fantastic networking event and a way for you, as a business owner or representative, to get your name and services out to the public. Only Chamber members can reserve booths for display (the public is invited to attend free of charge), so contact us at the Chamber to find out how your affordable annual membership not only allows you to rent a booth at the Showcase but gives you advantages and opportunities all year long. Come by or call the Chamber office at 903-885-6515 for more information. A registration link is on our website, hopkinschamber.org.
Lunch and Learn
State Sen. Bob Hall and State Rep. Bryan Slaton will be in town for a Lunch and Learn from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15. Registration forms are on our website, so sign up to learn how laws passed (and not passed) by the Texas Legislature will affect your business. Lunch will be provided at the Sulphur Springs Country Club. Tickets are $15 for Chamber members and $20 for nonmembers. Thanks for Atmos Energy and Oncor for sponsoring this important luncheon.
Journey Road Golf Tournament
Journey Road, a foster care ministry, is hosting its inaugural golf tournament at the Sulphur Springs Country Club on Monday, July 19. The four-person scramble will tee off at 8 a.m. To register, go to their website, JourneyRoadMinistries.com.
Jet Ski Race
A professional Jet Ski race event is coming to Sulphur Springs July 24-25 at Coleman Lake (Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Admission is free to the public and features food venders, local business booths, jet ski performance, and action-packed racing.
Jettribe is the title sponsor of the final round of the Texas WaterX Championship watercraft race series, sanctioned by the IJSBA, in Sulphur Springs. Winners of the Sulphur Springs Championship will be crowned Texas State Champions.
Watercraft racers from all over Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Kansas, and guest Jettribe Team Riders from California will be battling it out for the championship. This inaugural event at Lake Coleman is the final battleground for the Jettribe Texas WaterX Series, and only the best riders with fine-tuned race machines will find themselves on top of the podium.
Details for vendors, hotel information, and racer registration can be found on the website www.jettribe.com/events/.
Business Highlight
The Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce is highlighting a member of the Chamber each week. Please join me in congratulating our Business of the Week for June 14, Ken’s Heat and Air. You can read biographical stories at the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page and Instagram page.

Ribbon Cuttings
The City of Sulphur Springs officially opened the HW Grays Building in Pacific Park on Friday, June 18. The new center is beautifully constructed with high ceilings, a full kitchen, restrooms and tables and seating for more than 100 people.

A ribbon cutting is also scheduled for noon Tuesday, June 29, for Nextlink Internet at 249 Heritage Parkway. Please mark that on your calendar to attend.