A grant application, proposal for a project near downtown, final approval of two rezoning requests and multiple board appointments are on the June 1, 2021, Sulphur Springs City Council agenda.

The City Council will be asked to consider approving an application for a Texas Department of Transportation 2021 Transportation Alternatives Set Aside (TA) Project grant. City staff members are expected to brief the council on the proposal during the 7 p.m. meeting.
Ordinances 2780 and 2781, as proposed, would rezone Larry and Linda Evans’ property at 1340 South Hillcrest Drive as well as Chuck Sickles’ properties at 1079 Rockdale Road and 1085 Rockdale Road from single family to heavy commercial to better fit the current and intended use of property along the State Highway 19/Loop 301/Interstate 30 corridor. When Wildcat Way was constructed, the single family designation was placed on the properties as a place holder and never changed. The City Council approved the requests on first reading during the regular May 2021 council meeting.
Also slated for discussion is a proposal for a design group to provide services for an area west of downtown for a linear open space with the town branch and lake/drainage retention basin as key features.
The City council, in a special retreat on May 20, discussed potential selection of a mayor and mayor pro temp, as well as potential appointments to the city’s boards and commissions, including the

- Economic Development Corporation
- Zoning Board of Adjustments
- Airport Advisory Board
- Sulphur River Municipal Water District
- Library Board
- Board of Tourism and Promotion
- Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals
- Planning and Zoning Commission
- Ark-Tex Council of Governments
- Downtown Revitalization Board, and the
- Revolving Loan Fund Committee.
While the regular meeting is slated to begin at the usual 7 p.m. start time, the City Council is slated to hold an executive session from 6:30-7 p.m. June 1 to continue discussions regarding two potential economic development project, dubbed Project Hold Fast and Project Flourish. The city manager was authorized at a previous meeting to work with the businesses or agencies regarding the potential economic development incentives and deals. If an agreement for either of the projects is sufficiently reached, the City Council would then vote on them during the regular 7 p.m. open session.