Applications for Marriage Licenses

- Luis Alvarez and Matilde Zavala Cordova.
- E#verardo Morales-Ramirez and Maria De La Fuente.
- Jerry Wayne Hill III and Adriana Nicole Burleson.
- John David Hogan and Alexis Sierra Hrimer.
- Mathew Heath Hanna and Ashley Shire Wilson.
- Gilbert F. Mesen Brenes and Quita Joyce Slaton.
- Richard Edward Waldrep and Maria Anntionette Waldrep.
- Jason Eugene Pierce and Olympia Eunice Murillo.
- Jace Clinton Orren and Chanda Rae Neal.
- Tyler Lane Armstrong and Charleigh Kay Potts.
- Zachry Neal McDaniel and Emily Louise Tapley.
- Eric Lira and Hunter Cheyenne Vargas.
- Tyler Lawrence Foster and Carly Frances Parker.
- Bradley Keith Britton and Tiffany Renea Rutledge.
- Jackson Paul Newsom and Madison Raegan Toney.
- Brady Aaron Mulkey and Nicole Frances Cochran.
- Jose Emmanuel Rodriuez and Paiten Dianne Daniel.
- Riley Dale Brantley and Hailea Renae Daniel.
- Dustin Lee Churchman and Jordan Mackenzie Rutherford.
- Tracy Austin Giles and Dorothy Lee Riley.
- Timothy Wade Choate and Elva Naomi White.
- Daniel Carold Sanders and Mandy Sharie McCullough.
- Adrian Israe Velez Flores and Maricela Cabrera Munoz.
- Travis Aaron Willoughby and Alexsa Rae Baylus.
- Jonathan Andrew Narth and Lauren Nicole Reeves.
- Elmer Jose Solis and Annette Joy Crotts.
Land Deed Transactions

- Jennifer W. Clarke to Drake Matthew Clark; tract in Stone Briar.
- Richard Scherer to Mary Dunn and Thomas Dunn.
- Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Crippled Children to Lunacity Ranch LLC.
- Nancy L. Hoffman to Audrina Lynne Klahre and William Robert Klahre; tract in the Sarah H. Norris survey.
- Genvic Properti3es LLC to Corners Apartments LLC; tract in the Jose YBarbo survey.
- GNZ Development LLC to Timber Creek Apartments LLC; tract in the Jose YBarbo survey.
- David E. Pickett to Jeff Jordan and Rhonda Jordan; tract in the WB Stout survey.
- Janie Burkham, the same persohn as Jannie Burkham, and Stanton Lee Burkham to Patrick Douglas Callahan; tract in the Thomas Lee survey.
- Robin Boshears-Patrick and Jacob Patrick to Cortney Michelle Lynn and Daniel Ernest Lynn; tract in the Jose YBarbo survey.
- Donna Buckland and V J Buckland to Anthony D. Gheno and Christy A. Gheno; tract in the E. Thomas survey.
- Pamela L. Hollifield to Christopher Allen Norfleet; tract in the H D Parsons survey.
- Alan Screws and Kim Screws to Area Wide Investments LLC; tract in the MA Bowlin survey.
- Charles S. Dawson Jr. to Andrew W. Burkett and Juli Cristi Burkett’ tract im the AB Hudson survey.
- Christopher Lee Killgore to Rachel Racheelle Killgore; tract inm the Jose YBarbo survey.
- TTTT Limited to Ryan Dunavent and Morgan Smith; tract in the Sarah Norris survey.
- Brandy Michelle Withrow Wright to Maria Zuniga De Gomez and Jose G. Gomez; tract in the Williams Gregg survey.
- Jackie Coleman to Carrietta Coleman.
- Linda Tran and Luat Tran to Tran Phong Estate; tract in the Calvin Click survey.
- Trinh V. Hua, Linda Tran as independent admininstrator for the Phon Tran Estate, to Thi Hong Lieu Nguyen and Ngoc Huy Vo; tract in the Calvin Click survey.
- Golden Petunia LLC to Justin Nichols and K Nichols; tract in the William Hooser survey.
- Lydia Bryant and William L. Bryant to Kevin R. Erickson; tract in the Mary Ann Bowlin survey.
- The Russelll Living Trust, with Ty A. Russell and Valeris J. Russell as co-trustees, to Patsy Ruth Klingemann; tract in the MA Bowlin survey.
- Aaron Major and Jill Major to Marios Carlos; tract in the William Clapp survey.
- Geodyne Resources Inc., Contour Samson Energy E&P LLC, Samson Lone Star LLC, Samson Resources Company LLC and SGH Enterprises Inc. to Maxima Minerals LLP.
- Betty Sue Ferrell Higgins, who is also known by Betty S. Gerrell, and Jerry Ferrerll to Tojny Bassham and Vicki Bassham; tract in the MA Bowlin survey.
- Joseph Frances Kopec and John Stalney Kopec to Cynthia K. Hayes; tract in the JJ Butts survey.
- Bobby McVay to Kimberley Fay McVay; tract in the A. Aiguier survey.
- Lisa Gail Gentry, Gina MariaGiles and Keih Duane to Judith Gowins; tract in the Robert H. Foote survey.
- Caemon James Willis Wilburn to John Wilburn; tract in the PB Hume survey.
- Jack A. Gold and Nancy Gold to The Vineyard Family Trust; tract in the Sarah H. Norris survey.
- Jennifer Wroten Clarkes to Drake Matthew Clarke; tract in the William Moore survey.
- Amy W. Hays to Kathleen Hays; tract in the William Moore survey.
- Maria Dolores Chavarria and Ricardo Chavarria to Bahena Construction; tract in the Elizabeth Mitchell survey.
- Maria Dolores Chavarria and Ricardo Chavarria to Deysi Arely Torres Garcia and Walter Ulises Torres; tract in the Elizabeth Mitchell survey.
- Henry Keller and Janice Keller to Theresa Toland and William Michael Toland; tract in the Elizabeth Melton survey.
- Jerry Don Pierce to Tory George; tract in the Smith R. Cherry survey.
- Melynda Bell who is in fact Greta Jilll Mangum to Talon Thomas Bell; tract in the MA Bowlin survey.
- Evangelina Estrada and Jose Estrada to Maria J. Estrada.