The date isn’t the only thing different about this month’s regular meeting of Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees; in addition to the usual reports and action items, the agenda calls for 2 executive sessions, one at the beginning and one at the end of the 6 p.m. school board meeting.

While school board meetings are typically held the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. This month, trustees met first on Thursday, Jun 3, and will meet again tonight (June 15), the second Tuesday immediately following the second Monday (June 14, 2021).
The agenda shows 2 executive sessions. The meeting is to be called to order at p.m. with an invocation and pledge to the USA and Texas flags, approval of the consent agenda including the May 10 and June 3 meeting minutes, and time designated for public forum if anyone wishes to address the board at that time.
However, instead of being following by administrative and informational reports, the June 15 agenda shows an executive session is scheduled following a vote on the consent agenda. Trustees are scheduled to discuss personnel matters during the closed session, then reconvene the meeting in open session. Another executive session is also listed to follow the very end of the board meeting to discuss any additional personnel or real property matters submitted for discussion or consideration. Of course, school board may at any time during a meeting go into executive session if an agenda item warrants closed discussion according to the purposes outlined in Texas Open Meetings Act.
to resume the meeting with reports on current tax practices, summer activities, the Head Start Program American Rescue Plan award, an update from the athletic director on the SSISD athletic program, information on ESSER III program, STAAR and EOC (end of course testing data program).
The district is scheduled to consider routine items such as a depository bank bid, student accident insurance coverage for the 2021-2022 school year, Credit by Exam testing dates and contract services with Region 8 Education Service Center for the upcoming school year. Also submitted for board consideration is purchase of Exinda Packet Shaper for extended bandwidth, updated security equipment for the high school, an innovative CTE course, and a resolution regarding ESSER III and local policy CB which has to do with state and federal revenue sources.
A budget workshop is slated to follow the action items portion of the meeting. The preliminary budget is scheduled to be presented, with revenue based on a new template, estimated county tax values for local revenue and state values for state revenue. Students counts also will be based on hold harmless numbers from the state. Expenditures are to include campus requests, estimated payroll increases, but employee turnover will not be entered in budget at this point. Any new expenditures are to be added as well, according to the budget calendar presented to the board by SSISD Business Manager Sherry McGraw at the May 10 board meeting. One additional budget workshop is slated to be held on July 12, and the business officer anticipates presenting a 2021-2022 budget and tax rate for adoption on Aug. 9, then an amended 2020-21 budget during a special noon board meeting on Aug. 27.
School board meetings, unless otherwise noted, are conducted in the board room located at the back of SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.