Steve Killian Reports Cooper Lake State Park is Summer-Ready!
Steve Killian is Complex Supervisor for Cooper Lake’s dual State Parks. He’s renewing his invitation to everyone in the community to take advantage of the affordable fun, recreation and education offered by the Doctor’s Creek Unit, situated on the north side of the lake and the South Sulphur Unit, located on the south side of Cooper Lake. Whether it’s fishing, boating or swimming at the sandy beach, there’s going to be plenty of water in the lake and for hikers, bikers, horseback riders and campers, plenty of fun to be had at this ‘gem’ of a State Park in our own back yard!

In an interview on the KSST Good Morning Show with Enola Gay, Kilian shared that during the 15 months of COVID, people who became restless being indoors turned out for State parks all across Texas. “And doing so may have made them re-discover just how great our park system is! The rate of visitors has not slowed down but has continued to build with each month that passes. Studies show that 54% of visitors are from the Dallas/Ft Worth area, and 39% are from rural Texas with a small percentage being out-of-state visitors. So Texans, go ahead and plan your trip to a State park far away or right here at home!
There are four new faces on the park staff; Marissa Powers who is a Maintenance Ranger, Breeanna Hicks who is a Seasonal Program guide, Callie Shell a summer intern and Tony Smith who was hired last year as Asst. Complex Superintendent. These new staffers have been added to bring back programs which could not be conducted during COVID, and to add oversight park-wide. Along with 25 total staffers who interact with park visitors, there is also a law enforcement presence for both the north and south park areas.
This weekend is a good example of the fun and recreation offered. At the sandy beach swimming area on the South Sulphur Unit, a shaded educational area will be set up on Sunday to present “Skins and Skulls”, a hands-on nature program showing artifacts from many of the types of animals which inhabit the park. And coming up is a celebration of the 25th Birthday of Cooper Lake State Park. The 2-day event October 15/16 will feature a Living History group’s ‘The Buffalo Soldiers” re-enactment, plus a live outdoor music concert by the Reilly Springs Jamboree, to mention just a few of the unique attractions.
For day-use or overnight camping reservations, go online to