According to Karon Weatherman, Director of the Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Center, following the completion and dedication of new H W Grays Building, the City crews turned their attention to the Oak Avenue building site for the new Seniors Center. Bidding was opened for the construction of a metal frame; however only one bid came in and it was higher than was expected. So, meanwhile, some more clearing has been done on the property. “We have to wait another 3 months to try of get bids for the Construction of the metal frame. They only got one bid turned in and it was double what they had thought it would cost. They are going to try again when the cost is lower. It will put the building back a few months in the construction”.
On the calendar is the Senior Citizens Prom on August 21st. All of the 100 tickets have already been spoken for. If anyone who didn’t get a ticket and wants to come can get on a waiting list in case someone cancels. The Senior Citizens Prom is very popular each year!
Another upcoming event is the Summer 42 Tournament, this Saturday, July 17th at the Seniors Center, 150 MLK Drive.
The need for a Tuesday Route Driver for Meal-a-Day was filled, however now we need a Monday Route Drive. If you’d like this rewarding volunteer position, contact the Seniors Center at 903-885-1661. And, we always need more cooks on Mondays, so that’s another rewarding volunteer position that is currently open.
Another good local cause is the Terrific Tuesdays program, a weekly respite care program for caregivers of Alzheimer’s suffers. Exactly what does the program offer? Quality Day Respite for caregivers of persons who exhibit symptoms of early to moderate states off memory loss. Each year, Terrific Tuesdays needs $10,000. total to operate for twelve months. October is the annual fundraising time, but if you’d like to make a donation, please do that at any time. The major fundraising events are the Mini-Walks and the Walk to Remember coming up in September and first week of October 2021 If everyone gave something to terrific Tuesdays, they could easily reach their goal. Sign up to walk and proudly wear the T-shirt! The work the Terrific Tuesdays volunteers do for the caregivers of memory-loss patients is a needed boost for them, for as you may know, caregiving is a 24/7 job. The half-day Tuesday respite time is very much appreciated and needed. And caregivers can enjoy those few hours knowing their loved one is being cared for, loved and entertained. Find out more on Facebook, Sulphur Springs Terrific Tuesdays Club.