Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees are scheduled to hold a budget workshop, receive ESSER updates, discuss offering UIL for home schooled students in Sulphur Springs.

Budget, ESSER funding
The trustees budget workshop will be the second held this summer by the SSISD Board of Trustees.
During the first workshop SSISD Business Manager Sherry McGraw presented a preliminary budget, which featured revenue based on the newest state template, estimated county tax values for local revenue and state values for state revenue, with student counts based on “hold harmless numbers” from the state. Expenditures included campus requests and estimated payroll increases but did not include employee turnover.
As of the June 15 meeting, the district anticipated payroll, including stipends for extracurricular activities sponsorship was estimated to be $34,123,990, down $21,513 from the actual 2021 budget. Increases for all employees were estimated at $669,589, with new positions projected to cost another $221,856. That put payroll at $35,015,435.
Regular budgets were projected to be $7,059,807, which is would be $386,326 less than in the 2021 actual budget. Another $176,730 was estimated for one-time projects. Combined, that would bring the total 2021-22 budget to $42,251,972, which is an increase of $660,336 over the 2021 actual budget.
McGraw said based on estimated numbers available on June 12, revenues at that point were expected to be $41,691,459, with $21,633,034 coming from state revenue (based on the template provided), $16,427,436 from local tax revenue ($0.872) factored at a tax collection rate of 99 percent and 2021 estimated property values. and $3,630,989 from other revenue sources which could include tax penalties, federal, athletics and TRS on-behalf (teacher retirement). While that shows expenditures outpacing revenues in the 2021-22 budget by $560,513, McGraw anticipated that would not be the case after Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding is factored in.
Among the proposed uses for the ESSER funds are certain salary costs, as well as heating and air conditioning and custodial purposes, which should reduce payroll. An adjustment for CTE numbers alone should take care of the overage initially projected, according to school reports. The district too has applied for funding from the American Rescue Plan for the Head Start program to go toward a bus for the program.
SSISD Superintendent Michael Lamb is scheduled to present information to the board during the July 12 meeting about the ESSER III program then later ask the trustees to consider approving ESSER stipends.
The trustees Monday, July 12, are slated to receive an updated budget, with revenue based on the most recent template, estimated county tax values for local revenues and state values for state revenue. Student counts used would still be based on “hold harmless” number from the state with some possible adjustments. Expenditures, according to the budget calendar presented by McGraw in May 2021, in the preliminary budget to be presented during the 6 p.m. meeting will include campus budget requests, payroll increases, employee turnover and any new expenditures. Trustees also this evening will also be asked to approve budget amendments for Sept. 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
During the Aug. 9 board meeting trustees will be asked to adopt the 2021-22 budget and tax rate. This will include figures based on certified values for local revenues and state values for state revenue. Final student counts too will be reflected in revenues. Expenditures are to include all changes to payroll, all campus budgets, and any new expenses that have been identified. Another special meeting is planned for noon, Aug. 27, for the school board to approved an amended 2020-21 budget so the district can close out the books on the fiscal year which ends Aug. 31, 2021, with any changes since the budget was approved last August and June 30, 2021.

Also On The Agenda
Lamb too is slated to present during the administrative reports portion of the meeting for board members to review Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Localized Policy Manual Update 117.
McGraw is slated to present for board approval a request for proposals received from vendors.
Director of Maintenance Dan Froneberger has presented for board approval a proposal for district lawn care services as well as a proposal for cleaning, seal coating and striping of the west parking lot at Gerald Prim Stadium.
Superintendent Lamb is scheduled to present for board member approval proposed changes to the district transfer policy FDA(local) policy and providing UIL participation opportunities for home school students.
After the budget work session, slated after action items on the July 12 agenda, trustees will enter into executive session to discuss any personnel or real property decisions that have arisen since their last meeting. They will reconvene in regular open session to take action, if any is needed, on items pushed forward from the closed session for official action by the school board.
School board meetings are held regularly the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Board Room (located at the back) in the SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.