CHRISTUS Hospital in Sulphur Springs is experiencing a rise in COVID cases similar to hospitals in the surrounding area. President/CEO Paul Harvey joined KSST in an interview on the Good Morning Show with Enola Gay on Tuesday August 10, 2021 to share information for local residents, stressing that the procedures the public utilized earlier this year are still good weapons against the spread of the strain of virus now being encountered. And for persons who previously did not get the COVID-19 vaccine, he stated, “our local hospital is making the three types of vaccines easily available at no cost and with no appointment. It is every person’s own choice, but choosing to become vaccinated is the surest way we know to protect oneself against infection from COVID-19. Vaccine supplies are plentiful. Our public clinic is held each Friday morning from 9am -11am in the front lobby of the hospital, and will be held until further notice.
Harvey also talked about the closure of the Commerce ER and Rockwall ER units of other area hospitals. The closures are due to staff being needed at the hospitals those satellite ER’s are associated with. “Persons in the Commerce area who are experiencing COVID symptoms and wish to be tested or treated are welcome to come to Sulphur Springs. As of Tuesday morning August 12, there were 13 COVID cases in our hospital. We have beds and staff to care for persons needing care. Additionally, our URGENT Care clinic on South Broadway can administer COVID testing anytime they are open. And starting Monday August 16, 2021, URGENT Care will be open from 8am til 6pm Monday through Saturday. The address is 1339 South Broadway, and the phone number of 0-3-951-1001. Also, URGENT Care can see and treat accident and ,many emergency walk-ins. It is a useful alternative to care for persons who may not need to be hospitalized. As you may know, wait times are longer right now at the hospital emergency room as more COVID cases come in. We just want people to know that CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital in Sulphur Springs offers a safe, fully equipped environment, is accepting patients, and has beds and staff sufficient to care for them.”
Additionally, Harvey stated that the Sulphur Springs CHRISTUS location does not wish to reach a stage where we can’t do elective surgical procedures. We are still on schedule handling outpatient procedures. According to the Governor’s office, Texas hospitals will again be receiving assistance from State health nursing professionals, and so we expect to remain well-staffed as we go into a renewed season of COVID-19 cases.
Harvey also mentioned our Community Health Care center, called Carevide. Michelle Carter is CEO of the Sulphur Springs Carevide Center, which is located on the CHRISTUS campus at 106 Medical Circle. It specializes in offering family care, women’s health and pediatrics. Carevide is among other local community healthcare centers celebrating Community Health Care Center week, August 4-12.