H C Historical Society ‘Style Show’ and Brunch Was a Fun Fundraiser for Heritage Park
Home»App»H C Historical Society ‘Style Show’ and Brunch Was a Fun Fundraiser for Heritage Park
At a recent fundraising event at Heritage Park, about 18 models treated the audience to a glimpse of what styles in pioneer days looked like in Hopkins County. And a delicious Brunch was spread, and enjoyed by all in the beautiful all-purpose Winniford House, the most recently added building to the grounds. The Winniford House is a modern small event venue, standing in beautiful contrast to the numerous restored historic buildings around the grounds. If you have an event planned, consider holding it at Heritage Park!
The September 11 Style Show and Brunch served as a Fundraiser for upkeep and maintenance of Heritage Park. Upkeep is provided by Hopkins County Historical Society members, with assistance at times by Hopkins County jail inmates. Donations are needed year round to keep Heritage Park a beautiful place to visit. Mail donations to 416 North Jackson Street,Sulphur Springs, Tx. 75482 and call for information at 903-885-2387.