Paula is a proud 6th generation Texan, involved in family history research over thirty years. Her interest in family history began as a young girl when her parents took her to visit elderly “cousins” along with her maternal grandmother sharing stories and letters of family history. She is a genealogical consultant, lecturer, and genetic genealogist. Currently serving as the TxSGS District I Representative, Collin County Genealogical Society eNewsletter Editor and is a Past President for both Collin County Genealogical Society and the Navarro County Genealogical Society. She is a FamilyTreeDNA volunteer administrator of the following projects: Orphan Train & CCGS, and the Perkins, Cook, Fitch, Glaze DNA Surname projects.
Paula has served in many capacities for genealogical societies and libraries. Paula authored several articles in genealogical and historical journals, appeared on radio and television. Paula has spoken at TxSGS annual conferences, presented educational genealogical topics state wide and in multiple southern states.
Served on the Texas Heritage Online users group with the University of North Texas and the Texas State Library. Previously served as Executive VP Lectures/Fundraising Dallas Genealogical Society, Peters Colony Historical Society President, Executive VP Clayton Library Friends. Paula was appointed multiple terms to serve on a County Historical Commission’s Cemetery and Historical Marker committees. Paula is a TXGenWeb Project County website creator and Coordinator. She has successfully accomplished research in Northern, Southern and National U. S. repositories. Former Adjunct Instructor Genealogy Houston Community College, Past Coordinator & Presenter for Dallas, Texas local PBS station community outreach program in conjunction with PBS series “Ancestors.”
Nearly all your ancestors were eligible for military service. Finding records, pensions, citizen files, enlistment, and draft registrations can easily be located in the digital age. Veterans, widows and heirs made claims creating a wealth of information for genealogists. Migration patterns, children, births, death and marriage records can be proved. Exciting facts and discoveries are just waiting to be discovered in these records!
Read more in the PDF below!