Hopkins County Commissioners Court has a busy weekend planned, with two court sessions and plans to attend two community events.
Park Celebration
The Commissioners Court plans to help Coper Lake State Park celebrate its 25th anniversary Friday morning, with the big kickoff event at 10 a.m. Oct. 15 at the park. Opened to the public in 1996, Cooper Lake State Park is one of the newest parks in the vast Texas State Park System. The festivities will take place on October 15-16 at the park, and all entrance fees will be waived during the two-day event.
Hokins County Judge Robert Newsom, along with Texas State Park Director Rodney Franklin, Cooper Mayor Darren Braddy, Army Corps of Engineer Lake Manager Matt Seavey and others, are scheduled to speak at the 10 a.m. event Friday. Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of Doctors Creek, Inc., with Cooper and North Hopkins ISDs lending support for the event.
Click here for more information about the Oct. 15-16 Cooper Lake State Park 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Regular Meeting, Work Session
The commissioners and county judge then are slated to formally meet in regular session at 1 p.m. Friday, in the Commissioners Courtroom on the first floor of Hopkins County Courthouse, 118 Church St.
The court will be asked to consider a number of items related to road and bridge repairs, including bids for road materials, road oil and culverts, clear span concrete bridges and concrete culverts and asphalt paving; purchase of two work trucks, two dump trucks and a tractor/loader through purchasing cooperatives.
The agenda also calls for action in response to Arbala Volunteer Fire Department’s violation of Section 16 of the contract struck with the county.
Variances to subdivision rules are requested for property located at 605 County Road 4743 and at 346 County Road 3501. Another request submitted to the Commissioners Court for consideration Friday afternoon is closure of a portion of County Road 3507. Farmers’ Electric Cooperative has requested permission to build Electrical power distribution facilities across County Road 1216, just north of County Road 1214 in Precinct 1.
The Commissioners Court will also be asked to consider a user license agreement between Hopkins County Clerk and Permitium LLC.
After the regular 1 p.m. court session adjourns Friday, the Commissioners Court is slated to immediately head upstairs to the third floor meeting room in the courthouse for a work session. Commissioners are slated to talk with the fire marshal about fire department operations. with the sheriff about operations of his department including the jail, and with Zach Collett.
Juror reimbursement donation too is expected to be discussed during the Oct. 15 work session. The court may also discuss budgetary matters during the Friday afternoon work session.
Saturday Benefit
Court members also plan to attend the annual Help A Child Chili Cookoff to benefits children’s charities which beings around 10:30 a.m. Oct. 16 at Hopkins County Regional Civic Center. Bartley was one of the founding members of the annual benefit, sponsored by local Masonic Lodges to aid abused, orphaned or homeless children as well as kids with certain medical difficulties.