The Sulphur Springs Downtown Business Alliance is busy planning end-of-year and holiday events. Here’s what’s on the horizon with DBA!
The long-running annual Classic Heritage Car Show is set for Saturday November 6, 2021. Dozens of classic automobiles will roll in early that morning and take their designated spaces around Celebration Plaza. After dusting off the road dust and a final polish to the window glass, these beauties will be ready to welcome everyone to stroll around and enjoy the views! More than 50 entries are expected in the show. Car Show T-shirts will be available for sale.
National Small Business Saturday will be observed in Sulphur Springs on Saturday November 27. Vendors will be lined up along Main Street downtown with all kinds of special deals offered by the small business owners of Hopkins County. Be sure and visit the visiting vendors under tents, and go inside each shop and eatery along the streets. Celebrate and support Small Business! Food and Music is part of the day, until 9 p.m.

Christmas Market is in the planning stages for Saturday December 4, 2021. Vendors are registering for the more than three dozen spaces which will line the downtown streets. Christmas Market is a great time to find Christmas gifts and decor, and special discounts within the stores of downtown merchants. Plan to stroll, shop and of course, eat and drink with the many downtown merchants.
Downtown Business Alliance members are also looking forward the the annual Christmas on the Square Parade ad Tree Lighting which officially opens the season in Hopkins County! More details will be discussed at the next DBA meeting, set for November 16. DBA membership is open to all Hopkins County business, not only to those with downtown storefronts. Find out how to join and take part in planning events which benefit the local business community by going to sulphurspringsdba.com or SSDBA Facebook page.