13 Votes Separate First, Fourth Place In North Hopkins ISD Trustees Election
Voting was very light in the Constitutional Amendment Elections, as is often the case, and Hopkins County voters, like those across the state, approved all eight propositions in the Nov. 2, 2021, Election. Voter turnout in Cumby City Council Election was extremely low as well, and resulted in a tie for Place 4 Alderman seat, and only 13 votes separated the first and fourth place finishers in the North Hopkins ISD school board election, according to the unofficial election results released by county and state election officials.
All elections are unofficial until canvassed by the appropriate authorities for each.

Cumby City Council
In Cumby, both Allie Crocker and Katherine Flinn received exactly 50 percent of the votes (22 each) cast for Place 4 Alderman. Crocker received two votes during the early voting period and nine on Election Day, while Flinn received one vote during early voting and 10 on election Day. According to the unofficial election returns, there were also seven “undervote,” meaning seven Cumby residents either opted not to cast ballots for Place 4 or failed to submit them. The tie for Place 4 should trigger a runoff between the Crocker and Flinn.
Ryan Horne was unchallenged for Place 5 Alderman, but did receive a total of 26 votes, the most cast for any candidate in the Nov. 2, 2021, Cumby City Council elections. He received five votes during early voting and 21 on Election Day.
Wayne Mobley also did not draw an opponent for Place 3 on the City Council. Like the Place 4 candidates, Mobley received 22 votes, three during early voting and 19 on Election Day, with seven “undervotes.”
Cumby City Council must canvass the votes before the election results are officials. The City Council meets regularly the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Meeting Room, located inside Cumby Municipal Building at 100 East. Main St.

North Hopkins ISD
Voting was close in the North Hopkins ISD election for two at-large places on the board of trustees, with a total of 64 votes counted during early voting and 142 on Election Day. Jennifer Harrrington received 58 votes (25 early and 33 on Election Day), Ellis Dicus 57 votes (15 early, 42 Tuesday), Robert McPherson 46 (7 early, 39 Tuesday) and Michael S. James 45 votes (17 early and 28 Tuesday).
The unofficial election results show a total of 94 undervotes in that election as well. North Hopkins ISD is slated to meet at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 8, 2201, in the Board Room of the Administration Building, to canvass the trustees election.
Constitutional Amendments Election
All eight proposals on the Constitutional Amendments Election passed state-wide, according to the unofficial election results posted by the Secretary of State. In Hopkins County, only 6.02 percent of registered voters in Hopkins County cast ballots in the Nov. 2 Constitutional Amendments Election. County voters also approved all eight propositions, although some were more widely approved than others.

Proposition Number 1 – HJR 143 proposes a constitutional amendment expanding the circumstances in which a professional sports team charitable foundation may conduct raffles to raise money for the foundation’s charitable purposes. A total of 1,482,408 ballots were cast across the state, with 83.82 percent in favor of and 16.18 percent against allowing the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and or Women’s Professional Rodeo Association to conduct charitable raffles at rodeo venues. In Hopkins County, 1,228 voted for (84.75 percent) and 221 against (15.25 percent) Proposition 1.
Proposition 2 which would allow a county to finance the development or redevelopment of transportation or infrastructure in unproductive, underdeveloped areas passed, with 63.09 percent (931,453 voters) of Texans voting casting ballots for and 36.91 percent (544,834 voters) against the measure. The local vote was a little closer, with 764 voting for (52.13 percent) and 675 voting against (46.87 percent) Proposition 2.
Proposition 3, which prohibits the state or a political subdivision of the state from prohibiting or limiting religious services of religious organizations, passed in Hopkins County 81.12 percent (1,169 voters) to 18.88 percent (272 votes). The results at the state level were closer, wtih 62.53 percent (925,447) of Texans voting in favor of and 37.58 percent (557,093 votes) against Proposition 3.
Proposition 4 changes eligibility requirements for a Justice of the Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals Judge or Justice, and District Judge. This passed with 58.78 percent to 41.22 percent at the state level, with 845,030 votes cast for and 592,585 votes cast against Proposition 4. In Hopkins County, 65.89 percent of voters (929 votes) were for and 34.11 percent (481 votes) against eligibility requirement changes.
Proposition 5 gives additional powers to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct with respect to candidates for judicial office. At the state level 59.23 percent of voting Texans cast 852,336 ballots for Proposition 5 and 40.77 percent or 586,686 voters cast ballots against it. In Hopkins County, 69.36 percent (978 votes) cast ballots for and 30.64 percent (432 votes) against granting the additional powers to the state commission.

Proposition 6 establishes a right for residents of certain facilities to designate an essential caregiver for in-person visitation. This passed at the state level with 87.87 percent of voting Texans in favor of and 12.13 percent against the proposition. That’s 1,293,922 Texans voting for and 178,665 against Proposition 6. In Hopkins County, 91.85 percent (1,319 votes) voted for and 8.15 percent against (117 votes) allowing the designation.
Proposition 7 allows the surviving spouse of a person who is disabled to receive a limitation on school district ad valorem taxes on the spouse’s residence homestead if the spouse if 55 years of age or older at the time of the person’s death. Of the 1,475,493 votes cast by Texans, 87.12 percent (1,285,384 votes) were for and 12.88 percent (190,109 votes) against Proposition 7. In Hopkins County, 91.99 percent (1,321 votes) of ballots cast were in favor of and 8.01 percent (115) against Proposition 7.
Proposition 8 authorizes the Legislature to provide an exemption from ad valorem taxes on all or part of the market value of a residence homestead of a surviving spouse of a member of the US Armed Forces who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. This Proposition passed by the largest measure in Hopkins County, with 92.47 percent voting for and 7.53 percent against the benefit for spouses of military personnel who paid the ultimate price in the line of duty. That’s 1,327 Hopkins County residents in favor of and 7.53 percent against Proposition 8. The measure overwhelmingly passed, but did not receive as much support at the state level, with 87.76 percent of voting Texas (1,291,920) for and 12.24 percent (180,179) against Proposition 8.