Marc Maxwell presented the following monthly city manager’s report to Sulphur Springs City Council during their regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021.
The Delta variant wave of COVID-19 continues to decline. The number of active cases in Hopkins County fell from 240 to 122 in October a decrease of 49%. There are 9 patients in the COVID-19 Unit at the hospital, down from 18 last month.
We did not have any liability claims in October. We did have two workers compensation claims, both for police officers. One was struck by an EMS vehicle causing injuries to his arm. The other officer was pricked by a needle while searching a vehicle.
We are in the process of applying for a grant to enlarge the building. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs recently announced a grant program called the Texas Community Resiliency Program that will award grants between $500 thousand and $5 million for qualifying projects. Senior citizen centers are specifically called out as a qualifying project.
This project is nearing completion. The contractor has nearly finished boring under Interstate 30. I expect him to finish this week.

Work has begun on the project. The Capital Construction Division has installed a new sewer main between Oak and Jackson Streets, and now they are installing a water main in the same street segment. After that there is a small drainage component to be completed in this segment and then the project will progress to the east. We will advertise for bids for construction of the concrete street this winter.
Finance Director Lesa Smith will not present a report of year-to-date revenues and expenditures since the fiscal year has only just begun.
This $1.9 million project is in progress. 90% of the project cost is covered by a TxDOT grant. This project is experiencing some supply chain issues. I expect completion in 4 to 6 weeks.
Two street segments remain: League from Bellview to Pampa, and Lee from Davis to Broadway. The contractor had planned to be
finished by Thanksgiving Day, but supply chain constraints are hampering the project. I expect Lee to be completed by Thanksgiving, but League will take another month or two.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Conducted 39 building inspections, 16 electrical inspections, 19 plumbing
- inspections, 3 mechanical inspections and issued 26 building permits.
- Checked out 3,107 items from the library plus 877 e-Books.
- Serviced all city generators in preparation for the winter season.
- Installed a new generator at the Police Department paid for by the Ark-Tex Council of Governments.
- Performed repairs on A/C units at the library and wastewater treatment plant.
- Repaired the fountain at city hall.
- Demolished the old Grays Building
- Performed preventative maintenance on several components of the wastewater treatment plant and water treatment plant.
- Treated wastewater to a daily average suspended solids reading of .38 mg/L. which is about 1/40th of the limit set by the TCEQ.
- Repaired 12 ruptured water mains.
- Replaced 10 water meters.
- Unstopped 16 sewer mains.
- Washed 80,000 feet of sewer mains.
- Flushed 36 dead-end water mains.
- Treated 163 million gallons of potable water.
- Responded to 181 animal control calls while achieving an 89% adoption rate.
- Made 4 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
- Responded to 44 accidents, wrote 580 citations, recorded 48 offences, made 38 arrests and responded to 2,432 911-calls in the Patrol Division.
- Sold 7,968 gallons of Jet-A fuel and 1,751 gallons of AvGas.
- Accommodated 1,198 airport operations (takeoffs and landings).
- Changed out seasonal flowers downtown.
- Hosted 1 baseball tournament.
- Responded to 243 fire/rescue calls including 2 vehicle fires.
- Performed preventative maintenance on 84 fire hydrants.
- Performed 15 fire inspections and reviewed 15 pre-fire plans