Park And Senior Center, Potential Economic Development Projects On Jan. 4 Agenda

Pacific Park and senior center projects as well as potential economic development projects are among the topics on the Sulphur Springs City Council Jan. 4 agenda.

The City Council will first meet at 6:30 p.m. in executive session to consult with an attorney, discuss real property matters, specifically potential acquisition of property for storm drainage purposes, and to consider two economic development projects: one for D6 Inc. and one for a project described only as Project Superman. Afterward, the City Council will return to the Council Chambers on the first floor of Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (city hall) at 7 p.m. for the regular open portion of the meeting. Any action on items pushed forward from the closed session would be presented during the regular meeting.

Sulphur Springs Municipal Building Connally Street entrance

Reinvestment Zone

One item on the regular agenda includes an ordinance which would establish a reinvestment zone for D6 Inc. for a multi-year expansion project, which would relocate of the company’s corporate headquarters from Oregon to Sulphur Springs, Texas, and include a 300,000 square-foot expansion.

The planned project is a $21 million capital investment that will create 231 new jobs, Governor Greg Abbott announced on Oct. 15. The business has also been approved for a $1,432,200 Texas Enterprise Fund grant and a $6,000 Veteran Created Job Bonus to help with the move.

D6 Inc. has only been in operation in Sulphur Springs for about a year, having opened a plant inside the old Coca-Cola buildings at the end of 2020 to better serve a Paris, Texas business.

At least three taxing entities last year approved incentives to D6 for the initial $6 million investment, which included an immediate 25,000-square-foot expansion of the building, and plans to expand within 18 months.

D6 Inc’s Sulphur Springs facility

Now, local officials are being asked again to consider approving additional tax incentives for D6 for the investment which is projected to provide at least 231 jobs which should have a positive significant impact on the Northeast Texas economy. Some people will move with the company to Texas. The rest will be hired locally as needed.

Approving the reinvestment zone will allow the city, county and hospital district to consider tax incentives for D6’s planned expansion as well.

Overall, the business is expected to expand the current operation by 300,000-square feet, with a 180,000-square-foot building to be constructed as soon as the business can get everything in line and another 120,000-square-foot building expansion in three years. The new buildings will be located by the Saputo (old We Pack) property just across the highway from the current facility, on the 10 acres the EDC has near the railroad tracks, according to Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Roger Feagley.

Rezoning Request

Sulphur Springs City Council too is being asked during the Jan. 4 meeting to consider a request from John Heilman to rezone a 0.97 acre property located at 1381 West Industrial Drive from heavy commercial to light industrial.

Heilman owns that property as well as another connected to it. This would make both light industrial, which would allow him to sell it together for potential future businesses. He explained to the Planning and Zoning Commission earlier this month that he’d been approached by representatives from a few businesses who are interested in the property, including one for a water park like the one located in Canton and a travel center, which would offer diesel fuel but at this point is not proposed to offer overnight parking for big rigs.

The proposed ordinance rezoning the property is being forwarded to the City Council at the recommendation of the zoning board and city staff, who have reviewed the request and find the zoning consistent with zoning along that corridor.

Park, Senior Center

Resolution No. 1284 will be presented for City Council discussion and consideration; this is for a Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs grant for the Senior Citizens Center.

A public hearing is also slated at 5 p.m. Jan. 11, 2022, at City Hall for anyone who wishes to give feedback regarding a Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus Community Resiliency Program pre-application to be submitted to Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to request funding to help construct a new senior citizens activity center.

Work continues on the fitness court in Pacific Park this week.

The agenda also includes two items that would move the Pacific Park improvement projects forward. The Jan. 4 agenda includes: discussion on bids and possible awarding of a contract for the supply of concrete for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Grant Project, and the purchase of restrooms through a Sourcewell contract.

Fire Department

Also slated for discussion and consideration is a resolution hiring a consultant to locate existing and future required fire stations based on the present city limits.

The city has experienced continued development and expansion, and the consultant would consider based on those and potential future growth the best locations for the city’s fire departments, either by maximizing the current resources or if an additional station would be required. The consultant’s recommendation would taken into account a desire to keep the city’s current ISO rating while fully and properly providing sufficient fire services.

Other Items

Last month, the City Council authorized the city manager to execute documents needed for one agricultural license agreement for the old Thermo mine/Luminant property. On Jan. 4, 2022, the City Council will be asked to consider approving four agricultural license agreements for the old mine property and authorizing Marc Maxwell to execute those documents as well.

The consent agenda includes minutes from previous council and city board meetings as well as a request for one 380 agreement.

Author: KSST Contributor

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