A zoning change for a West Industrial Drive property is being recommended by the City of Sulphur Springs Planning and Zoning Commission. The request, made by owner John Heilman, to change the parcel from heavy commercial to light industrial so that it can be sold for potential development received approval of the P&Z Commission Monday evening and must now be approved by Sulphur Springs City Council.

The 0.97-acre parcel at 1381 West Industrial is next to another parcel Heilman owns, but is zoned differently. Heilman said he’s been approached by a few business people interested in purchasing the land for different uses, including for a QuikTrip travel center and a water park like the one in Canton. Both parcels would be needed for potential projects. He filed the appropriate application to request the change of the smaller property from heavy commercial to light industrial so that it can be platted for sale.
Two letters were sent to the property owners within 200 feet of the property, with a 200 feet radius as required. Heilman, who owns the adjoining 7.4 acres which is already zoned light industrial, was the only property owner to submit a response to the certified letter.
The property in question is surrounded by property zoned heavy commercial to the north, light commercial to the east and Texas Department of Transportation right-of-way to the south and west. Light industrial zoning would be consistent with the existing zoning designations at that interchange, Sulphur Springs Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski said.
The land use plan references both commercial and industrial development in the same section along the Interstate 30 frontage road in that area. The land use plan allows several commercial uses within the light industrial zoning district, Niewiadomski said.
Heilman said if it’s developed by QuikTrip, the representative he spoke with indicated while a travel center at the location would sell fuel to 18-wheelers, it would not have overnight truck parking.
Niewiadomski said city staff after reviewing the request recommended approving the request. P&Z Commission member Craig English made the motion to approve the request as recommended by city staff, with member Pat Chase seconding the motion, and Chuck Sickles and Tommy Harrison also giving approval. The request is being recommended to the City Council; the zoning request is anticipated to be on the Jan. 4, 2022, Sulphur Springs City Council agenda for consideration..
Also during the meeting, Niewiadomski officially introduced the Nate Smith to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Smith was administered the oath of office as City Attorney during the Dec. 7, 2021 City Council meeting,