Dates For Candidate filing For May 7 School Board Election Announced
Dates for filing for three seats on Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees were announced and 10 personnel changes were approved during the regular January school board meeting Monday evening.
School Board Election

Candidates filing for the May 7, 2022, SSISD trustees election will begin Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022 a in SSISD Tax Office, located inside SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St. Candidate filing will be conducted from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday through Feb. 18, 2022.
The trustees election is for three at-large seats on the school board. Currently, John Prickette, Craig Roberts and Leesa Toliver are serving in those seats on the school board. The three candidates receiving the most votes in the May 7 election will serve a full three-year term.
Click here for information about eligibility requirements for candidates.
For a Candidate’s Guide to Primary and General Elections, Click here.
For SSISD election information, click here.
Personnel Changes
SSISD Board of Trustees, following an executive session Jan. 10, 2022, reconvened in open forum, where 10 personnel changes were approved, among them one resignation, two new hires and seven job swaps.
Jamie Sue Young was approved to join the Sulphur Springs Elementary staff as a special education inclusion aide and Miranda Scritchfield as a special education aide at Sulphur Springs Middle School.
Brandy Griffin’s resignation as a high school English teacher was accepted at the Jan. 10, 2022, meeting by the school board. Jamie Young has been approved to make the move from library aide to English (DOI) at SSHS.
At Sulphur Springs Middle School, Amy Anderson will switch jobs, going from the Read 180 program to an eighth grade classroom where she will teach English language arts and reading. Kimberly Chisom in turn is swapping her eight grade ELAR (DOI) classroom for the Read 180 program. Also at SSMS, Tonya Loftice too will change titles, from innovative learning specialist to assume duties as academic specialist.
Becky Ringler-Endsley is the only employee approved for a job swap that will require her to swap campuses. She will leave Sulphur Springs Elementary, where she’d been working as a special education aide, to Rowena Johnson Primary to serve as secretary for the academic specialist.
Joy Shing will remain at Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center, but will go from the classroom as a Head Start aide to the office to become the campus secretary. Carrington Chancellor will also remain at Douglass ECLC campus, but instead of serving as an aide in a prekindergarten class will now work as a Head Start aide.