Hopkins County Commissioners Court made short work of Monday’s agenda, approving a 381 agreement for D6 Inc., appointing a Como official as emergency management coordinator for the City of Como, reappointing a representative to Lake Regional Community Center Board of Trustees, and a request to construct electric power distribution across a county road within 13 minutes.
D6 Inc.

D6 Inc. — an advanced design-to-shelf packaging manufacturer that uses recycled plastics and, when the pandemic began, shifted to making face shields and masks — was granted a 10-year 381 agreement. The tax incentive will reimburse the company 100 percent of its county taxes on its newest expansion, provided all terms are met, the first year of the agreement. Each year afterward, when proof of terms are submitted and approved, D6 will received 10 percent less of a tax break: for instance the business would receive a 90% reimbursement on the move of it’s corporate headquarters from Portland, Oregon to Sulphur Springs the second year of the agreement, 80% the third year, and continuing downward each year to 10 percent the 10th and final year of the agreement.
D6 opened a facility in Sulphur Springs in the building known locally as the old Coca-Cola building, at the end of 2020, with plans to expand within 18-months. The $6 million investment included an expansion at the corner of Industrial Drive and Commercial Services Drive. The company was granted tax incentives from the city and an agreement from the county for the expansion.
On Oct. 15, 2021, Texas Governor announced a Texas Enterprise Fund grant of $1,432,200 had been extended to D6 and the business has been offered a $6,000 Veteran Created Job Bonus to move it’s corporate headquarters from Portland, Oregon to Sulphur Springs to expand the business’ manufacturing presence in the state. D6 Inc. plans to build the first fully closed-loop recycling site for single-use PET clamshells in Sulphur Springs, the Governor said of the plastic packaging produced by the company. The $27 million in capital investment is projected to create 231 new jobs.

Sulphur Springs City Council on Jan. 4, 2022, approved on first reading Ordinance No. 2796, establishing a reinvestment zone for the planned 300,000 square-foot D6 expansion, with a 180,000-square-foot building to be constructed as soon as the business can get everything in line and another 120,000-square-foot building expansion in three years. The new buildings will be located just across from the current facility, on10 acres the EDC has near the railroad tracks, according to Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Roger Feagley. The ordinance is set to be presented again in February to the City Council for second and, if approved, final reading establishing the reinvestment zone for D6.
The City Council also during the Jan. 4 meeting agreed to grant another 380 economic development agreement to D6 Inc. for the planned expansion announced by the governor.
D6 Inc. in the October 2021 release indicated a tax incentive will also be sought the hospital district for the relocation and expansion as well.

Como Emergency Coordinator
The City of Como asked the county to appoint City Mayor Jerry Radney as Como’ emergency management coordinator. Hopkins County Fire Marshal Andy Endsley serves as emergency management coordinator for areas in the county not located within a city or incorporated area, as well as Tira and Cumby. The City of Sulphur Springs’ emergency management coordinator is Sulphur Springs Police Chief Jason Ricketson. Como asked that Radney be appointed to serve in that capacity for the City of Como. The Commissioners Court approved the request, officially designating the mayor to serve as emergency management coordinator for Como.
The Commissioners Court also reappointed Dana Sills to represent Hopkins County on the Lake Regional Community Center Board of Trustees.
Sills was appointed to the LRCC Board of Trustees, in January 2020. Newsom recommended Sills following an interview process. The board oversees mental health and intellectual and developmental disability services facilities in 15 counties, which at that time included facilities on Airport Road, Hillcrest Drive and Industrial Drive in Sulphur Springs.
Other Business
The consent agenda — which included meeting minutes from a Jan. 18 regular court meeting and a work session, as well as a request from Farmers Electric Cooperative, Inc., to construct electrical power distribution facilities which will cross County Road 1183, south of FM 1567 west in Precinct 1 — was approved. Payment of bills, revenues, expenses, payroll and other financial statements was also approved by the court at the Jan. 24, 2022 meeting.
Future Meetings
The Commissioners Court is scheduled to meet next for a work session at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 28, 2022, at Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic Development Corporation Offices, 1200 Enterprise Lane, to discuss the Pine Forest Solar project.