Candidates have 7 1/2 days left to file for places on May 7 municipal and school election ballots. As of Tuesday afternoon, neither the Sulphur Springs and Yantis ISD School Board Elections nor the Sulphur Springs City Council Elections candidates had drawn challengers. Candidate filing continues through Feb. 18, 2022.

Sulphur Springs ISD
All three incumbents — Craig Roberts, Leesa Toliver, John Prickette — filed candidate applications first thing Wednesday morning seeking reelection to their seats on Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees. As of Wednesday morning, the incumbents they had drawn no challengers for the three at-large seats on the schol board.
Craig Roberts was elected to the board in 2019, and selected by the board members in 2020 to serve as vice president. Roberts is a regional chairman of Guaranty Bank & Trust in Sulphur Springs.
Leesa Toliver Leesa Toliver has served on the school board since 2013. She previously served as Secretary, Vice President, and President and is a TASB Master Trustee. She is a retired SSISD administrator. She currently actively volunteers in the community.
John Prickette was appointed to the school board in 2012 to carry out the unexpired term of resigned board member, Foy Williams, and has continued to be reelected to the board since 2013. He previously served as vice president and president of the school board. Prickette is vice president of sales and marketing for Grocery Supply Company in Sulphur Springs.
Candidate filing for a place on the May 7, 2022 Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees Election ballot will continue from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday through Feb. 18, 2022, in SSISD Tax Office, located inside SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.
Eligibility qualifications to run for a seat on SSISD school board can be found on the school district website in Policy BBA(LEGAL). A Candidate’s Guide to Primary and General Elections can be found by clicking here.
Additional questions may be directed to SSISD Tax Assessor/Collector/Election Official Sandra Gibby at 903-885-2153, ext. 1111.

Yantis ISD
As of Tuesday afternoon, only one individual had filed a candidate application for a place on the May 7 Yantis ISD Board of Trustees election ballot.
Incumbent April Johnson, who currently serves as president of the school board, is seeking reelection to the school board. She was first elected to the school board in May 2017, then again in May 2019.
Jeff Quinn currently serves in the other seat on t e school board. He served from May 2015 to May 2018. After 1 year off the board, he returned to the school board in May 2019 and is finishing out the term.
Both seats on YISD school board are for a full three-year term; trustees are elected at large, so the two candidates receiving the most votes in the election will be elected to the board – if an election is required. If the election draws only as many or fewer candidates as seats on the baord, the board can cancel the election.
Candidates may be file applications with Kristi Beech in the YISD Administration Office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday- Friday through Feb. 18, 2022.
Sulphur Springs City Council

As of Wednesday morning, only one candidate each had filed for Place 4 and Place 5 on the May 2, 2022 Sulphur Springs City Council Election.
Incumbent Gary Spraggins filed an application on Jan. 20 for a place on the May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Spraggins, a salesman, is seeking reelection to Place 5. Spraggins was elected on Nov. 3, 2020 election to Place 5 seat for one year. Then, in 2021, he was elected to the final year of the unexpired term for Place 5.
On Feb. 8, 2022, Tommy Harrison filed candidacy in the May 7, 2022 Suphur Springs City Counci Election. Harrison, a retired Department of Defense Army civilian, is seeking the Place 4 seat on the council. Harrison has been serving on the Sulphur Springs Planning & Zoning Commission.
Freddie Taylor currently serves in Place 4 on the City Council. He had not as of the February City Council meeting decided whether he would seek reelection to another term on the City Council. He has served more than 5 terms
Candidate filing for both three-year term seats on the May 7 City Council Election ballot will continue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, at Sulphur Springs Municipal Building (City Hall), 201 North Davis St. Mail applications for a place on the ballot may be mailed to City Secretary/Elections Officer Natalie Darrow at 125 South Davis St., Sulphur Springs, TX 75482; or emailed to: [email protected].