Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell presented the following report to the City Council during the regular monthly council meeting on Feb. 1, 2022.

We really don’t know the number of active COVID cases in Hopkins County. The state has once again changed its system for tracking COVID, and staff has lost confidence in the state’s numbers. Our most reliable indicator is the number of covid patients in the hospital. Today we have 24 patients in the covid unit, down from 35 two weeks ago. We saw quite a few employees out with COVID a couple of weeks ago, but things seem to be returning to normal (relatively) now.
We did not have any liability claims in January. We did have 3 workers compensation claims from police officers involved in an arrest that turned violent. The officers all sustained minor injuries and have been released to work.
We have applied for $2.4 million in grant funding for the project in addition to the $1.5 million already allotted from bond proceeds.

The fitness court is completed. We will likely hold a ribbon cutting/opening event in early March. Thank you to Saputo and Christus Trinity Mother Frances for making the project possible with your generosity.
The Capital Construction Division recently installed 680 feet of sub-surface drainage system for the playground, and water and sewer taps for the new bathrooms.
Atmos has relocated the gas main that was holding up the project, and now the project will continue eastward. Expect to see some drainage work just west of the rail spur.
Finance Director Lesa Smith will present a report of year-to-date revenues and expenditures.
This $1.9 million project is completed.
Contractors recently replaced carpet and repainted the library interior. Library staff also took delivery of new furniture in January. The update is funded by the Friends of the Library Foundation. Stay tuned for more exciting developments.
Texana land and Asphalt has begun the Lee Street project. They have already ground off the asphalt surface. Next, they will cement stabilize the road base, followed by a new asphalt driving surface. In next month’s manager’s report, I will publish the list of 2022 Street Improvement Program Projects.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:
• Made 20 extensive street repairs following utility repairs.
• Repaired a storm drain/sink hole in the Stonebriar addition.
• Repaired 201 potholes.
• Hauled street sweeper spoils to the landfill.
• Sold 2,574 gallons of AvGas and 12,120 gallons of JetA fuel.
• Accommodated 1,160 operations at the Airport.
• Responded to 361 fire/rescue calls including 7 structure fires and 1 vehicle fire.
• Responded to 156 animal control calls while achieving a 92% adoption rate
• Made 4 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
• Responded to 29 accidents, wrote 479 traffic citations, recorded 42 offences, and made 31 arrests in the Patrol Division.
• Repaired glass bathroom windows.
• Removed Christmas decorations downtown.
• Trimmed trees and undergrowth at Buford Park.
• Cleaned shoreline at Coleman Lake.
• Conducted 30 building inspections, 10 electrical inspections, 12 plumbing inspections, 4 mechanical inspections and issued 23 building permits.
• Checked out 2,938 materials and 795 eBooks from the library.
• Replaced carpet in and repainted the library.
• Repaired the tornado siren at Fire Station #2.
• Installed new lighting at the library, Imagination Mountain parking lot, Department #60 on Middle Street and Fire Station #1.
• Made preparations for upcoming cold weather.
• Performed preventative maintenance on numerous items at the Wastewater
Treatment Plant and the Water Treatment Plant.
• Treated wastewater to a daily average total suspended solids value of .56 mg/L
• Learned the wastewater treatment plant is a candidate for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Year from the Water Environmental Association of Texas.
• Sent 187 tons of wastewater sludge out for composting and sent another 46 tons to the landfill.
• Repaired 14 ruptured water mains and replaced 5 water meters.
• Unstopped 44 sewer mains.
• Washed 75,000 feet of water mains.
• Flushed 36 dead-end water mains.
• Sold 145 million gallons of potable water