Filing For Candidacy In Cumby City Council Election Ongoing
Four local May 7 elections are expected to be canceled. Filing for candidacy in the Cumby City County Election is ongoing through March 7, 2022.
Hospital District Board

Hopkins County Hospital District is expected to cancel the scheduled May 7, 2022, election for two seats on the HCHD Board of Directors, as the election drew no challengers.
The seats by default will go to incumbents Kerry Law and Joe Bob Burgin, who will be re-administered the oath of office to serve another full term each on the hospital district board starting in May.

Sulphur Springs City Council
Only two individuals filed candidacy for two places on the City Council Election, Tommy Harrison for Place 4 and incumbent Gary Spraggins for Place 5. Freddie Taylor opted not to seek reelection to Place 4 on the City Council.
Because neither candidate drew an opponent, the seats will go to the two candidates and the May 11, 2022, City Council Election can be canceled. The two candidates would then take the oath of office for a full term on the City Council in May.
Sulphur Springs ISD
Sulphur Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees called for two May 7 elections. the regular election for three seats on the school board and a special bond election.

Sulphur Springs ISD is expected to cancel the school trustees election. The three incumbent school board members were the only three to file candidacy for the May 7 SSISD Board of Trustees Election for three at large places on the school board. With no opponents, the seats will go to incumbents Craig Roberts, Leesa Toliver and John Prickette, to serve another full term on the school board, starting in May 2022.
Sulphur Springs ISD will still hold a special May 7 election, however. Votes will be asked to cast ballots for or against a $93 million school board election, called for on Feb. 14, 2022, at hte recommendation of the SSISD Long Term Facilities Planning Committee to fund facilities repairs, renovations and additions throughout the district as well as construction of a new elementary campus. The rate would increase the current tax rate by 10 cents per $100 property valuation, which is still lower than the SSISD ad valorem tax rate approved in the last SSISD bond election for a new middle school facility, according to school trustees.
Yantis ISD

As of the 5 p.m. Friday deadline to file candidacy, Yantis ISD had only two unopposed incumbent candidates for the two open positions on the school board. Unless there is a write-in candidate by that deadline, Yantis ISD expects to cancel the trustees election that time.
Incumbents April Johnson and Jeff Quinn will serve another full term on the school board.
Cumby City Council
Filing for candidacy for Place1 Alderman and Place 2 Alderman on the Special May 7 Cumby City Council Election ballot will continue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through March 7, 2022, at the Cumby Municipal Building (City Hall), 100 East Main St., in Cumby.

Alderman Place 1 was most currently held by Sheryl Lackey, who served as mayor pro tem as well. Place 2 has been vacant for a short time, most recently held by Amber Hardy Roberson. As of the last report, Cumby City Secretary Betty Jo Hardman said the city had received no completed applications for candidacy to fill the vacancies and complete the two-year terms ending in November 2022.