Hearing On 2020-2021 Annual Report Of Educational Performance Slated During Public Forum
Sulphur Springs ISD Board Of Trustees will be asked to consider calling a bond election to fund district facilities improvements, upgrades, additions and replacements during the trustees’ regular meeting Monday, Feb. 14, 2022.

The board also will receive several reports and informational items, and be asked during the 6 p.m. meeting to consider a resolution for wage payments during emergency school closings, terminating an employee’s contract early, calling a trustees election, revising the Head Start cost of living budget and hold a public hearing.
In a special noon meeting Monday, Feb. 7, the SSISD Long Range Facilities Planning Committee noted that after half a dozen meetings, including a tour of each district campus and facility, the group identified $93 million worth of work needed, and recommended the school board call for a bond election to fund the repairs and upgrades.
According to the Valentine’s Day agenda, Superintendent Michael Lamb sent information to board members recommending the proposed order calling for a bond election, which they’ll be asked to consider calling for May 7, 2022.
The school board also is expected to call for a trustees election for May 7 for the three seats currently held by Craig Roberts, Leesa Toliver and John Prickette. The three incumbents are the only candidates who have filed applications for the at-large seats on the school board.
Candidate filing for a place on the May 7, 2022 Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees Election ballot will continue from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday through Feb. 18, 2022, in SSISD Tax Office, located inside SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St.
If no other candidates sign up for a place on the ballot, the school board should be able to cancel the election at the close of filing.
Administrative, Informational Items

Sulphur Springs ISD Police Chief Glynda Chester is scheduled to present to the board the required racial profiling report.
SSISD Director of College and Career Readiness/CTE Director Jenny Arledge on the district’s annual career and technical education evaluation. The document of CTE findings is 22 pages in length.
Students are also scheduled to give presentations about the CTE student organizations they are involved in.
Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams will provide a schedule for this year’s open house activities across the district.
During public forum, a public hearing on the 2020-2021 annual report of educational performance is to be conducted by Jason Evans, who is over state and federal programs. Anyone who has questions about the report can ask them during that time.
Other Action Items

The agenda also calls for the board to consider approving a cost of living revision to the Head Start budget, transferring funding from the supplies function to equipment function to cover a cost increase for playground equipment the district applied for last spring.
A resolution which would address wage payments during emergency school closings due to inclement weather.
The board also is slated to consider terminating Amy Anderson’s term contract before the end of the contract period.
Executive Session
The board too has scheduled an executive session to discuss personnel matters and the potential purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. Any items pushed forward from the executive session would require a vote of the board after they return to open session.