Eight members of the Sulphur Springs High School Business Professionals of America Chapter are advancing to the BPA National Leadership Conference in Dallas on May 4-8, 2022.

Four students qualified for nationals by placing in the top three in their competition at the Texas State Leadership Conference March 2-5 in Fort Worth.
“We are so proud of these students!” said Jenny Arledge, Director of College & Career Readiness/CTE Director at SSHS.
Jonah Foster won first place honors in Human Resource Management. Mackenzie Posey earned second place honors in in the Administrative Support Research Project category. Advancing to state by placing third are Jacob Semler in Advanced Word Processing and Jacob Beggs in Device Configuration and Troubleshooting.
Four SSHS BPA students placed as alternates to nationals by placing 4-10 in their events at state. Placing fourth were Jaci Robinson in Administrative Support Research Project and Ashland Hooten in Prepared Speech. Peyton Willis placed eighth in Advanced Office Procedures, and Annaston Price placed 10th in Intermediate Word Processing.

Also participating at state were Emily Atkinson, Matthew Atkinson, Mika Boren, Macey Williams, Ryan Mitchell, Brooklyn Shelton, Gavin Schroeder, Kylie Clarke, and Andres Flores.
Sponsors include Lynn Smith, Heath Robinson, and Jordan Owens.
Congratulations to all of these students on their achievements.