Four different truck bids were approved by Hopkins County Commissioners Court, leaving the decision of which truck and bid to the individual department head. A used John Deere, was also among the items approved during the regular Commissioners Court meeting Monday morning, March 28, 2022.
Truck Bids
The county received four bids for six pickups, each different, including different trucks. County Auditor Shannah Aulsbrook and HCSO Chief Deputy Tanner Crump recommended accepting all truck bids, which would allow each county entity who would be purchasing a truck work directly with each vendor to select the option that best suits their need, availability and budget.
Crump noted that the bid specifications were written in such a way to allow for some flexibility, particularly in the current market, where readily available vehicles are hard to come by, including allowing the bidder to quote a price for a used vehicle if the truck was in stock and meets bid specifications.

“All these bids are not the same. Not everyone could get six of the same vehicle. Not everything that they bid is in stock, even today because they are selling so fast. So you will probably have to contact each of these vendors that you want to deal,” Aulsbrook told the Commissioners Court.
Brian Toliver Ford’s bid for trucks in stock were for $49,968. At the time of the bid, the dealer had two trucks in stock, but as of Monday was reported to have only one.
Nottingham Sulphur Springs Chrysler Dodge Jeep for $54,232.50 per truck; the dealership had one vehicle in stock at that price at the time of the bid.
Jay Hodge Chevrolet bid $38,695 each for a 4-cylinder turbo, a base truck, although other options were also available for additional. Hodge’s bid price was the cheapest, however, upon closer inspection, the quote did not meet terms in the specifications sheet that the county asked for. Hodge’s goal, however, was to sell a truck at the cheapest possible price. The bid also includes an $8,000 fleet discount that Ford is not offering. Crump said he was told if the V8 options is preferred, that can be added for an additional price.
Morrow Brothers Ford of Illinois submitted a bid for $47,600 for F150 Fords.
All vehicles except the two mentioned above would have to be ordered. All are four-door 4-wheel drive trucks. They have power windows and locks, air conditioning and cruise control. The Chevrolet quoted would be the very base construction model. The base model Ford was in the bid quoted from the Illinois dealership. Toliver’s quote for a sport package includes storage, carpet and features that aren’t included in the work truck. Toliver’s bid included a 30-day build date, which Crump said would likely have the quickest turnaround time. The “more desirable” truck, one with more features, typically cost a bit more upfront, but also garner a higher resale value, Crump noted.
For instance, the Civic Center purchased a base package work truck, like a construction vehicle. While the truck doesn’t have a lot of miles on it, when the county sought a trade-in value, it was approximately $10,000 less than one that had more more features, Crump explained.
Crump noted that the sheriff’s office’ fleet vehicles are on a 36-month rotation for replacement through a least program with American National Leasing, and has had trouble getting the units in.

“I’m happy to report that by the end of this week I’ll have nine on the ground. That’s seven from last year that were supposed to be in by October – I’m just now getting them – then two for this coming year. So, there are vehicles coming in, but when you order them, you are at the mercy of the manufacturer to determine when you are going to get them. I think that is reflected in these bids sheets as well,” Crump said.
Crump said while only four bids were received, he had been in contact with a total of 10 dealers to whom the spec sheets were made available. While the bids received are all at least $10,000 more than the county has paid for these types of vehicles in the past, that’s on par with current market prices. A new car is currently estimated to cost about $10,000 more than pre-COVID sales prices. Attempting to give a best estimate for future markets on trucks is virtually impossible
Precinct 2 Commissioner Greg Anglin made a motion, which Precinct 4 Commissioner Joe Price seconded, and the four Court members present (Precinct 1 Commissioner Mickey Barker continued to be out due to illness) agreed to accept all bids as submitted.
John Deere Equipment
Hopkins County also posted notices requesting bids for a used John Deere 324L for Precinct 4. Commerce Sand and Select submitted the only bid, for $60,000.
“I’ve looked at this. It seems to be a good piece of equipment and is still in warranty,” Price said, when motioning for the bid to be accepted. Bartley seconded the motion, which was met with unanimous approval of all four members of the court members present at the March 28 meeting, for the used Compact Wheel Loader