Junior Scout Kate Paulson and Daisy Scout Jemma Barnes, Girl Scouts with Troop 80 of Sulphur Springs, rolled into Dinner Bell Wednesday, March 16, 2022, in a decorated wagon filled with boxes of Girl Scout cookies.

The members of Girl Scout Troop 80 received 81 boxes of Girl Scout cookies donated by community members to benefit others. Paulson and Barnes had the pleasure of delivering the wagon-load of donated cookies Wednesday on behalf of Troop 80.
“These tasty treats will be next week’s dessert to accompany the regular Dinner Bell meal.” said Dinner Bell Director Judy Gilreath. “A BIG THANK YOU to the Girl Scouts, their leaders, and community cookie donations for gifting the meal recipients with a variety of their delicious cookies!”
The mission of the Dinner Bell is to end hunger in Hopkins County. Fresh, hot, nutritious meals are prepared by volunteers each Wednesday and served to guests at the First United Methodist Church. Through the generous support of church, community members and corporate sponsors Dinner Bell has served over 20,000 meals to those in need since opening the kitchen to offer a Wednesday lunch meal in 2012.
The grab and go meals are available from Dinner Bell starting at 11 a.m. Wednesdays from the distribution area under the covered driveway (porte cochère) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus.