Sulphur Springs High School students did well during their participating last week at the 90th Houston Livestock Show and competition, with three students showing beef heifers, one showing lambs at two different contests and one was ranked among the top 5 in speaking events the week of March 7-13, 2022.
Cash Vititow placed second in class with his Red Brahman heifer
Coen Bell placed second in Class 10 with his Simmental Heifer and ranked third in showmanship.
Kylee Jo Anderson placed 12th out of a class of 40 of the largest Grey Brahman class.
Caroline Coker exhibited a market lamb at the Houston show, then, traveled straight to Austin to show another lamb there as well.
And finally, rounding out the first week of the SSHS’ participation at the Houston Livestock Show, Rylie Carroll placed fourth overall in public speaking.
The Ag Mechanics teams will make the trip there this Friday for competition as well.