Sulphur Springs City Manager Marc Maxwell presented the following report to the City Council during the regular monthly council meeting on March 1, 2022.
COVID-19 Response
We have 3 patients in the COVID unit at the hospital.
We did not have any liability claims or workers compensation claims from February.
Senior Citizens Building
It looks like we are going to get the $2.4 million in grant funding that we applied for. It won’t be official until April, but we scored well above the cut-off line.

Pacific Park
The fitness court is completed. We will hold a ribbon cutting/ opening on March 11, 10:30 to noon. Thank you to Saputo and Christus Trinity Mother Frances for making the project possible with your generosity.
The Capital Construction Division has finished installing a drainage system and sidewalks for the playground.
College Street
The project continues eastward. The Capital Construction Division is replacing utilities in the intersection of Jefferson and Jackson.
Revenues and Expenditures
Finance Director Lesa Smith will present a report of year-to-date revenues and expenditures.
Street Improvement Program
Texana land and Asphalt has begun the Lee Street project, but we had to stop the project Short at Brinker until school is out. We will also wait on League Street until school is out. So, these two projects were budgeted for 2021 but will be performed in 2022. Here are the new streets to be paved in 2022.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Learned the wastewater treatment plant won Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Year from the Water Environmental Association of Texas.
- Checked 2,881 items and 653 eBooks from the Library.
- Repaired 56 potholes.
- Hauled street sweeper spoils to the landfill.
- Spread sand and salt at critical intersections during 2 ice events.
- Replaces 3 street signs.
- Responded to 252 fire/rescue calls including 7 structure fires.
- Conducted 40 fire inspections and performed preventative maintenance on 79 fire hydrants.
- Conducted 27 building inspections, 12 electric inspections, 10 plumbing inspections, 1 mechanical inspection and issued 22 building permits.
- Pressure washed sidewalks downtown.
- Trimmed trees and underbrush at Buford Park.
- Stained pump house at Coleman Park.
- Removed several dead trees throughout parks.
- Sold 2,169 gallons of AvGas and 7,775 gallons of JetA fuel
- Accommodated 721 operations at the airport.
- Responded to 125 animal control calls while achieving a 73% adoption rate.
- Made 1 felony arrest in the special crimes unit.
- Responded to 35 accidents, wrote 460 traffic citations, recorded 37 offences and made 38 arrests in the Patrol Division.
- Installed L.E.D. lighting fixtures at Fire Station #1.
- Installed L.E.D. lighting fixtures at Department 60 Service building.
- Performed preventative maintenance on several items at the wastewater treatment plant and water treatment plant.
- Treated wastewater to a daily average total suspended solids (TSS) reading of .22 mg/L.
- Sent 242 tons of sludge to contractor for composting, and none to the landfill.
- Repaired 10 water main ruptures.
- Replaced 3 water meters.
- Unstopped 34 sewer mains.
- Treated 125 million gallons of potable water.
- Flushed 36 dead-end water mains.