April 18 Town Hall Meeting To Provide Information About May 7 SSISD Bond Election

Any who are interested in obtaining more information or who have questions about the May 7 Sulphur Springs ISD bond election are invited to attend the Town Hall meeting tonight (April 18) at SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. in the Board Room (located at the back of the building).

SSISD logo

Superintendent Michael Lamb will present information regarding the bond proposal and answer questions when possible about the $93 million bond proposal voters are asked to vote either for or against during early voting (April 23-May 3) and on Election Day (May 7).

SSISD Board of Trustees on Feb. 14 called for the bond election for facilities improvements, as recommended by the district’s long range facilities planning committee at a special Feb. 7, 2022 school board meeting.

Voters can visit SulphurSpringsISDBond.com, which not only gives a brief outline of the planned use for the funding, but a brief explanation about the process the SSISD Long Range Facilities Planning Committee used to form the $93 million worth of recommendations presented to the school board.

The bond website (which can also be accessed by link on ssisd.net’s main page) includes information and charts showing the impact an 8.5-cent tax increase, what it would mean for senior citizens who receive a homestead exemption, early and election day voting information, a chart showing the age of each of the district’s campuses, and what the district anticipates happening if the bond doesn’t pass.

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If approved, two sets of bonds would be sold. One set would fund construction of a new Travis school campus as well as renovations at most other campuses, a new Career and Technology Center and fine arts additions at high school, and roofing and HVAC improvements district wide. The other would be a separate bond sale which would be financed over the course of 5-10 years to fund purchases of 20 additional school buses.

Monday night will be the second town hall meeting hosted by SSISD, with Lamb providing information and answering as many questions as possible about the SSISD bond election. During the first town hall meeting on March 31, 2022, Lamb explained how the bond proposal came about, how it would impact school taxes, a brief breakdown of how the $93 is recommended to be spent, what will happen if the bond does not pass, and voting information. (The March 31, 2022 town hall meeting can be viewed at the KSST Radio YouTube Channel, or by clicking here.)

Lamb spoke recently with KSST owner Chad Young during the morning show about the SSISD bond election.

The superintendent will speak during a second town hall meeting at 7 p.m. April 18, 2022, in the Admin. Building, 631 Connally St. All are invited and encouraged to attend to learn more about the district’s planned improvements if the bond proposition passes on May 7, 2022. This is a great opportunity for voters to voice to the school officials any questions or comments they may still have about the election or bond proposal.

Wednesday, April 20, Lamb will also be will speak about the SSISD bond election to Chamber members and visitors at a special Lunch and Learn event.

Information was also mailed last week to Sulphur Springs residents to provide basic about the $93 million proposal as well.

Page 2 of information about the SSISD bond election mailed to city residents.

Author: KSST Contributor

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