Kindergarten and pre-kindergarten registration for the 2022-2023 school year began this week at North Hopkins Elementary.

In order to register a child for kindergarten, the prospective student must be 5 years old on Sept. 1, 2022. This registration is for students who did not attend pre-kindergarten at NHISD this year.
Parents/guardians may download a kindergarten enrollment packet by clicking on the link on the school website or Facebook page, or by clicking here. Simply fill out the enrollment packet and return it, along with the following items, to Dichele Smith in the elementary office:
- The child’s – birth certificate, Social Security Card, immunization record;
- Parent or guardian/s driver’s license; and
- Proof of family residence (such as copy of a utility statement with the family name on it).

To be eligible to enroll in the pre-k class, the applicant child must be 4 years of age on Sept. 1, 2022. The prospective pre-k students must also meet at least one of the following state requirements:
Educationally disadvantaged
- e unable to speak or comprehend the English language;
- Be homeless;
- Be a child of an active duty member of the US Armed Forces;
- Be a child who has ever been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services following an adversary hearing.
Parents/guardians may download a copy of the pre-k registration packet and the NHISD enrollment form from link on the district website, Facebook page.
The pre-k packet qualification application may also be obtained from the front office.
Please contact Dichele Smith in the Elementary office with any questions. 903-945-2192 .