Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees approved professional employment contracts for the 2022-2023 school year as well as three dozen other personnel matters Monday night.

Overall, one notice of retirement, 18 resignations, seven new hires and 10 job swaps were approved as recommended Monday which impact all district campuses and including aides, administrators, teachers, coaches, directors and coordinators.
Professional employment contracts for current teachers, counselors, librarians and nurses have been approved for these staff for the 2022-2023 school years. These professionals typically have until the first part of July, the date has not yet been stated, to accept their new contact offers or provide notice of resignation from the district and still be released from their contract.
Katherine Farrar’s notice of planned retirement as district transportation route coordinator was accepted.
Three special education aides who notified district administrators they plan to resign include Julia Shadix from Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center, and Dejarnae Nash and Kimberly Pace from Barbara Bush Primary. Cinthia Salas was approved to fill one special education aide opening at Bush Primary.
Sherry Sinclair will remain on the Douglass ECLC campus, but will switch jobs, from assistant Head Start director to become the principal and Head Start Director. She replaces Angela Edwards, who notified administrators in March of her intent to retire as Douglass principal and Head Start director.
Bowie Primary Principal Amanda Fenton will be moving to the Administration Building to become the director of professional learning. Pam Voss has been approved to move from the Administration Building, where she’s served as coordinator of English language arts and social studies, to Bowie Primary, where she will fill replace Fenton as campus principal.
Bowie also is losing math support teacher Kelli Hunt, whose turned in a resignation notice.
Rowena Johnson Primary will be losing first grade teacher Kristin Potts, dyslexia teacher Amanda Thompson and third grade teacher Whitney Vaughan; resignation notices were received from each.
Harlee Guzman will be moving next year from a first grade dual language enrichment classroom at Travis Primary to Rowena Johnson Primary to teach first grade English language arts and reading and social studies. Jady Martin will remain on the Johnson Primary campus, but will trade her position as an instructional aide for a second grade teaching position.
Cathy Gray too will be giving up a second grade English language arts and reading and dual language enrichment class at Travis to become a dyslexia therapist for students across the district.
Notices of resignation were also received from Sulphur Springs Elementary fourth grade math teacher Lori Green, fourth grade math and science teacher Alisa Kulak and fourth grade ELAR and social studies teacher Cain Langhoff. Summer Flora will be fill the opening for a fourth grade math teacher at SSES. Also approved to join the staff at SSES were Margaret Boyte as a Title I aide and Jordan Cruz as a special education aide.
Strings instructor Hannah Kirby notified administrators she will be resigning from her post teaching both High School and Middle School students. Also resigning from SSMS will be eighth grade ELAR teacher Jessica Gilbert and technology specialist Johnathan Stevenson. Middle School registrar Heather Garrison will be moving to the Administration Building to serve as curriculum secretary.
Mikki Daniel will remain at the Administration Building, but will be switching desks; Daniel will change from serving as PEIMS administrative assistant to administrative assistant to the superintendent.
Sulphur Springs High School is also losing four coaches as well as an agriculture science teacher. Submitting resignation were:
- John Luper, agriculture science teacher;
- Javier Aguayo, Spanish teacher and head girls soccer coach;
- Elmer Steven Moreno, math teacher and coach;
- Matthew Newcomber, world geography teacher and coach; and
- Zakarius Wells, CCP lab teacher and coach.
Approved to join the SSHS faculty and staff were Kenzie-Lou Bramblett as a math teacher, Kristen Shelton as a science teacher, and Matthew Newton as special teams coordinator.
Jeremy Offutt will be moving from high school, where he teaches and is a coach, to SSMS to serve as teacher and middle school athletic coordinator.
Kathy Wright, however, will switch from Austin Academic Center where she’s serving as a teacher to SSHS, where she will serve as testing coordinator.