Trustees accepted 34 resignations, approved 26 new hires and 15 other personnel changes for Sulphur Springs ISD during the regular school board meeting Monday evening May 9, 2022. The 75 personnel changes will affect every campus, including administration.
Bush Primary
First grade self-contained classroom teacher Monica Armstrong, kindergarten self-contained personnel Angel McCoy, third grade teacher Aleesa Morris, special education teacher Jessica Takacs and special education aide Leticia Burnside will not be returning to Bush Primary for the fall semester.

Jessica Grace was approved to join the faculty as a third grade teacher at Barbara Bush Primary. Brittany Rice and Nina Smith will join the BBP staff a special education aides.
Yesenia Mata will be continue working on the BBP campus, but will move from food service to a classroom, where she will serve as a special education aide.
Bowie Primary
The school board accepted resignations from Bowie Secretary Kristin Brown, special education aide Ester Gall and first grade teacher Kimberly Littleton.

New hires for Bowie Primary include Linnie Akins as Campus Secretary Bowie Primary, Emily Faircloth as counselor, Constance Stieber as a Title 1 Aide and Cassie Wilson as a third grade teacher.
Carissa Williams will be moving from Bowie, where she serves as a behavior interventionist to Barbara Bush Primary, where she will work in special ed in resource department. Kodeann Crawford will go from teaching fifth grade special education classes at Sulphur Springs Elementary to serve as a math Interventionist at Bowie. Shara Roden will continue as counselor but will be assigned to SSES next year instead of Bowie next year.
Kassandra Smith will remain at Bowie, but will be switching from teaching in a second grade classroom to a first grade classroom. Kayla Emerine will also remain on the Bowie campus, but instead of serving as a Title 1 aide, will be a special education aide.
Rowena Johnson Primary

Only two of the 75 personnel decisions were for Rowena Johnson Primary.
Amber Harmon resigned her position as music teacher and Dolores Renee Smith was approved to join the staff as a Title I Aide at Rowena Johnson Primary.
Travis Primary

Two personnel changes were reported for Travis Primary as well.
Heather Wantland was approved as a new first grade teacher. Renee Johnson is resigning from her position as a second grade 2 teacher at Travis Primary.
Sulphur Springs Elementary
Leaving Sulphur Springs Elementary will be fourth grade teacher Karley Easley, fifth grade teacher Jill Sapaugh, instructional interventionist Julie Silman, fifth grade teacher Jaci Sorley and instructional aide Erick Perez Rivera.

New SSES staff will include Martha Campos, Harlan Hill and Shelby Ladd as fourth grade teachers, Kaley Lyday as a fifth grade teacher and Heather Willey as Title 1 Aide.
Karen Jasmer will continue to work in the special education department, but will be swapping campuses, moving from SEES to High School.
Stephanie Hughes will be switching jobs, going from SSES secretary to the transportation department, where she will serve as route coordinator. Sherry Baugh will continue to teach fourth grade, but will switch from a regular fourth grade classroom at SSES to fourth grade dual language enrichment class.
Middle School
Resignations were accepted from Sulphur Srpings Middle School special education teacher Lee Ann Frazier, seventh grade teacher Shelby Gammill, eighth grade teacher Jeff Harris, physical education teacher and coach Breanna Hodges, visual arts teacher Ashleigh Luke, attendance clerk Tammy Pearson, and technology specialist Jonathan Stevenson.

Approved to join the SSMS staff were Raygan Morris as a sixth grade teacher, Rebekah Newton as a seventh grade teacher and Cody Rozell as a PE teacher and coach.
Special education teacher Michelle Fuselier will soon be over special programs at SSMS. Brynn Offutt will step up from special education aide to eighth grade teacher. Amy Peters will switch grade levels, from seventh grade co-teacher to eighth grade co-teacher.
High School
Resigning are English teacher Jennifer Bunch, Principal Derek Driver, math teacher Taylor Harden, English teacher Patti Laeding, math teacher and coach Kurt McCain, biology teacher Morgan Owens, special education teacher Joshua Peugh, English teacher Melissa Peugh, geography teacher and coach Bruce Silman, and special education teacher and coach Jason Stephenson.

New hires approved for SSHS by SSISD school board Monday night include Adriana Brena as a teacher and the new head girls soccer coach High School, Brinklee Driver as a science teacher, Andrew Dunn as a social studies teacher and coach, Rebecca Huffman as a teacher and girls soccer coach, and Rebecca Medlock as an English teacher.
Hannah Graves will remain a special education resource teacher but instead of working with high school students will be working with fourth and fifth graders at SSES.

Other Campuses
Amanda Ridner will be swapping jobs at Douglass ECLC to become the assistant Head Start director and academic specialist.
Austin Academic Center is getting two new teachers, Tamyla Hasbrouck as a secondary teacher and Danielle Lopez as a teacher.

Haley Papez, a Licensed Specialists in School Psychology, resigned from the Special Services department.
Tabitha Barker, purchasing coordinator at the Administration Building, also resigned.

Amelia Hasbrouck and Jonathan Tingle will be joining the staff at the Administrative Building, Hasbrouck as an innovative learning specialist and Tingle as a technology specialist.
Lyndsay Anderson will have a different job title as well. Anderson, a LSSP and team supervisor, will be the special programs director.