Sulphur Springs High School was well represented at the National Business Professionals of America Leadership conference, with five SSHS students participating in the May 4-7 event in Dallas.
BPA is the nation’s leading CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, finance, accounting, office administration, and other business-related career fields.

A culmination of work and accomplishment through the year, the National Leadership Conference (NLC) brings together a diverse group of the best and brightest from across the country to compete in demonstrations of their business and technological acumen, develop their professional and leadership skills, network with professionals and each other from across the nation, and get involved with the betterment of their community through volunteer service projects.
Emily Atkinson put in the work for a Torch Service Award and competed in Financial Analysis and Concepts as well.
The Torch Awards Program is designed to promote professionalism and leadership in both career development and personal growth. Students complete activities in the seven Torch categories: leadership; service; cooperation; knowledge; friendship; love, hope, faith; and patriotism – then log their activities in an online Torch Résumé. Each activity is worth 5-20 points. When a student achieves a certain number of points for each category, his/her advisor or local reviewer can submit the résumé online to be reviewed for recognition. All students completing a satisfactory résumé will earn either an Executive, Diplomat, Statesman or Ambassador Torch Award certificate.
In financial and concepts competition, students assesses knowledge of math concepts and solve practical math problems related to work and consumer issues.
Mackenzie Posey was Administrative Support Research Project – Individual. In this contest, an administrative support topic is selected by the National Center and provided at the beginning of the school year. Contestants conduct research on the topic and present findings in a research paper, an oral presentation, and respond to questions from a panel of judges.

Jacob Semler competed in Advanced Word Processing, a contest in which students evaluate advanced-level skills in word processing and document production.
Jacob Beggs participated in PC Servicing & Troubleshooting. Students in these type of contests must demonstrate knowledge of device configuration, maintenance, and management as a computer technician.
Jonah Foster competed in Human Resource Management, which requires students to assess interpretation of personnel policies and knowledge of human resource management.